You can replace the battery in an iphone with a hair dryer and basic hand tools. It only takes like 15 minutes. I’m not sure what this legislation is going to result in besides making phones less waterproof and dust proof.
You can replace the battery in an iphone with a hair dryer and basic hand tools. It only takes like 15 minutes. I’m not sure what this legislation is going to result in besides making phones less waterproof and dust proof.
Unless they’ve gotten into the sex toy business, I think you might mean Apple silicon ;)
Risky click of the day
I own a Model Y, don’t give a fuck what Elon does or says. I own a Ford too and couldn’t tell you who the hell the CEO of Ford is. Their personal opinions have fuck-all to do with the product, in my opinion. I test drove one, loved everything about the car, the charging network is objectively better, and I’m a big fan of self driving so that’s a bonus. I’m a little over a year into ownership and there’s absolutely no complaints I have about the car, it’s been a great experience.
Now the question is, why do you have such strong opinions about what cars other people buy? I’ve had a great experience with my Tesla and don’t know of any better way I could’ve spent my money on a vehicle.
Exactly what my homepage looks like when I’m not signed into Youtube. Seriously, is this what the average person is watching?
The thing gets me about the “$XX,000” battery replacement figure is that people are talking about the dealer quote for a battery replacement. If your vehicle is in warranty (and Tesla has an 8 year battery warranty), then the dealer replaces the battery for free. If it’s not under warranty anymore, there’s no reason to get your battery replaced at the dealer. Third party shops will do it for a fraction of the cost.
Have we forgotten about the LA riots?
I would not stop for protestors either.