Ah yes, just how I remember the Gameboy, struggling to see the screen.
But seriously, the top ones look great!
Ah yes, just how I remember the Gameboy, struggling to see the screen.
But seriously, the top ones look great!
Ah yes, just how I remember the Gameboy, struggling to see the screen.
But seriously, the top ones look great!
I think Magneto’s power is to control metal, not just magnetic metal. Magneto is just a misnomer/nickname.
DnD doesn’t really have rules where you can’t coordinate with your other players, and requires a hive mind consensus. My worry is that it will be too far afield from what the players are used to.
If you wanted to keep it more similar to 5e rules, you could give the players a free action to order the godling to do something, but require a DC roll to make the check (whatever makes sense, Arcana, persuasion, wisdom, religion). If the DC is failed, or multiple characters do the order action, then some random combination of target/ability is executed. If no order is given, do some random stuff.