I was thinking Electronic Frontier Foundation and was really confused.
I was thinking Electronic Frontier Foundation and was really confused.
“inconvenient” is my biggest problem with it. Just use a single format for every work and add some html classes so I can scrape it easier.
It’s not. Works by various authors have different html formatting that make it very difficult to consistently scrape. Splitting works into several pages makes it impossible to send them to pocket (or FOSS equivalents). It sucks for anything other than reading in their website.
The unpleasant reality is, Russians, like the Chinese, have never, in all their long history, existed without authoritarian rule. Their people are culturally inured to it. They actively seek it. They’re broken, as a society, and only dissolving their society will cure them.
The libs are not ok.
I started this book a while ago but didn’t finish. Not really what I’m looking for right now but definitely someone I plan to read.
Thanks! I saw that book, but didn’t realize that Meisner was a Marxist. I’ll pick it up.
I realized this is probably a more appropriate place to ask.
Say the line, Parenti.
A tankie is someone who supports the Soviets sending tanks to stop the Hungarian revolution and other other use is made-up bullshit.
To be honest I don’t think this is a very good metric. It’s a combination of something good (number of people insured) and something bad (debt per insured person).
As an example, if you increased the number of people with insurance, and reduced the debt per uninsured person, you’d expect this to happen.
Not to say that things have actually gotten better, just that we should use more meaningful metrics.