For real, like some mermaid’s green nipples are described in more detail than the protagonist himself 🙄🙄
For real, like some mermaid’s green nipples are described in more detail than the protagonist himself 🙄🙄
Sims 4 was already a PS+ game. Not that I ever played it but still…
Took you this long to realize these are sci-fi/fantasy games?
Sure, but it’s their livelihood so I bet comedians like Burr are “taking it up a notch”, especially on TV/interviews etc. Think about Eric Andre for example. He’s probably nothing like his character irl.
Depends where I’m staying. In no-tipping countries i wouldn’t tip at all, but if it’s common/expected, I’d leave some change on the bedside table in the morning when leaving the hotel/checking out.
He’s doing a character (like most celebrities).
I honestly think Bloodborne has one of the most encouraging fan bases in gaming.
Build in 1723.
Pb + plex = win
Control’s second DLC “AWE” (2020) had already connected the worlds of Alan Wake and Control, but sorry if I spoiled that for you.
I played the DLCs after finishing the main game and (even as a big Wake fan) found them a bit unnecessary. They would’ve worked better if played during the same playthrough, not afterwards imho.
Control was amazing, game of the year for me personally. Alan Wake 1 was already a bit dated/bland gameplay-wise when it came out and the remaster didn’t do it any particular favours. The story is great however, so at the very least I’d watch a comprehensive recap/analysis on the story.
Control is its own thing entirely and isn’t required to fully understand Alan Wake 2, but having played it and its DLCs beforehand it definitely adds to the lore and gives insight to the “bigger picture”.
Out of those I mentioned, Newpipe was actually my favourite (LibreTube felt too beta, only used it for a week at most) and I’ve used it for years. Vanced was great too. But there’s always something, like what happened to Vanced for example. I don’t know, I felt like I was spending way too much time installing third party apps, trying to get them to work properly after Google’s endless shenanigans. Paying them is more convenient / less time consuming.
You’re totally right, I wasn’t paying attention to the sub, my bad.
I’ve used Vanced, ReVanced, Newpipe, LibreTube etc. for years and finally just gave up with the neverending third part app hassle, got YouTube Premium and disabled watch history. Sure it’s costly, but at least everything works, there are no ads and shorts don’t work without watch history. Win some, lose some ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh I’ll be gazin (Ps. Didn’t downvote you)
Go back to reddit pls
OP ollut tosi hyvä. Vaihdoin Nordealta OP:iin viis vuotta sitten ja oon ollu tyytyväinen. Koti-, lemmikki- ja tapaturmavakuutukset kans OP Pohjolan kautta. Verkkopankki, lainat, sijoitukset ja vakuutukset yhdessä sovelluksessa, joka toimii hyvin ja on helppo käyttää. Ja ainakin Helsingissä suht paljon konttoreita, jos sellaisessa tarvitsee asioita hoitaa.
The first one isn’t bad at all. Second one’s meh af snd the last is one of the worst fantasy films ever made.