This is Democracy Manifest.
This is Democracy Manifest.
I was never a huge fan; more of a passing interest, but I also dropped off after black/white.
These comments are exactly why Lemmy is unattractive to most people. It’s just a stupid joke/meme. Good grief.
As a US citizen, it’s never been hostile towards me. In fact, I would imagine most people have had little to no engagement with the federal government (outside of the routine items: taxes, etc…) Now, their state government may be a different story.
Sorry, but I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who fucks with an animal; wild or otherwise.
People often sleep on OG DB. It’s a great watch (especially the later seasons).
Hell yeah. One of the few TV series I currently watch. It’s been about 1.5 years since the prior season dropped. Can’t remember much of it. May have to re-watch. What a shame.
People will be selling black market eggs in back alleys soon.
I mean, recognizing that I say this with some jest, Pokémon isn’t all that different from dog fighting. Capturing innocent animals and forcing them to fight each other for your entertainment.
I had my comments deleted by some authoritarian nerd mod on one of those star trek communities for shitting on Discovery. Apparently, by having a negative opinion, I wasnt creating a welcoming atmosphere.
Using “normies” unironically is one of the reasons Lemmy is a huge turn off. Normal people don’t talk like that, and it makes you look stuck up.
Are people really buying into this 51st state nonsense? It’s never going to happen. Orange man is a legit professional shit talker. Damn near everything he states shouldn’t be taken seriously. I’ve easily learned to ignore his words and simply focus on his actions.
So unless the progressives can force a realignment along some new issue and subsume a major party, creating another party would just be handing a lot of elections over to the Republicans.
This is why lemmy was so vehemently against Jill stein and the greens even though most people on here agree with her politics more than kamala, because they saw her as sabotaging the democrats chances and handing the election to trump.
This sounds like living in a perpetual state of short term gain long term loss. Change won’t happen over night, and you may lose a few elections in the short term, but ultimately you’ll establish a party you actual want to support instead of one you’re kind of willing to tolerate.
I’m not going to criticize Jill Stein or her party for voting based on their beliefs.
I disagree, or perhaps it depends on how you look at it. If a small, vocal minority in an overall larger group begin to push policies/opinions consistently that are not shared by the overall larger group, you could argue the values of the small and larger group no longer completely align. If the smaller group continues even after being made aware those policies/opinions aren’t going to fly, one could argue they are now separate groups. I suppose it depends on how far their values have grown apart from each other.
I’m not necessarily saying that is what is happening here, but it’s no secret progressives aren’t happy with the democratic party establishment. Starting your own party might be best.
Maybe progressives should simply start their own party instead of trying to hijack a current one.
I mean, come on people, it’s current year, not past year.
Based and not giving a shit pilled.
Trading one echo chamber for another is hardly an upgrade. Each has their pros and cons.
Hi! My name is Bob Kelso, and I like whores. Now, why don’t I introduce myself like that? Because there is a time and a place for the truth.
If memory serves, there was an episode, when they were in the 32nd century, where they said they couldn’t jump (spore drive) while cloaked. Then, in the same episode (or one soon after) they did exactly that. Can’t even follow their own rules because the show is a joke to them.
But apparently in some spaces all opinions must be positive ones.