It isn’t just money that can solve your problem though, it takes effort too. No matter how much money you have at the very least you still have to use your mouth to speak to get what you want.
The app I use (“Boost”) made it extremely easy, it’s pretty much just as easy to use as reddit or instagram I would say - maybe even easier.
I hope they stop “kicking the can” and accept that they are going to suck for a year or two. Sometimes you need a rebuild. The Saints can’t afford to keep going all out on free agent signings every year or this problem will just keep getting worse.
Crazy game!
Honestly closer scoreline than you would have thought considering the Lions gave up 5 turnovers and the Commanders 0. So many crazy mistakes from the offense, horrible game for Goff. He was looking bad before the hit to the head on the interception but that certainly didn’t help… Also it must be said, fantastic defense from the Commanders.
Hell yeah! I’m happy to hear the flavor stayed true.
Bottle tech is a style of pressing the rosin where you fold in the corners of the bag and then pack it vertically, resulting in a column which you then press into a circular puck. It can increase yields - this is a good guide for how to fold the bag. Some people like to take this even further and use “chottle” tech, where the top and bottom are open - I haven’t tried that as I worry it would get more plant particulate in the product. “Pillow” tech is just packing the bag regularly.
I don’t press hash so I don’t know if bottle tech would be a good idea in that situation. Maybe not if you are wanting to double bag.
What sort of bags did you use to make the bubble hash?
How did you refine the original hash that made this?
Your earlier post indicates you pressed with a 25u bag. Bottle tech? Pillow? What temp? What was the yield on the press? Did you try dabbing any of the rosin pre decarb?
I used to think that it was beneficial to prevent anaerobic bacteria from infecting the wound, since exposure to oxygen would limit their growth. My understanding of this is evolving, but it seems that some of the time it is true that a wound needs to “breathe” but that doesn’t mean it should be uncovered.
This article makes it clear that sometimes an “occlusive” bandage (one that completely prevents air/water transfer) is not right, in this case focusing on wounds with impaired circulation.
This article from a bandage manufacturer makes it clear that most of the time occlusive bandages are better, but there are different extents of occlusivity, and the bandage should be matched to the application.
TIL about light echoes.
Apparently by observing the light echoes from the supernova that made Cassiopeia A researchers were able to detect supernova asymmetry for the first time!
I have come to think of it as all being probability fields.
When studying a particle, one cannot know both the energy and position of that particle with certainty (Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle). When chemists think about the 3d “structure” of atoms and molecules, they represent the nucleus as a tiny little ball and the electrons as bubbles of probability: .
The nucleus itself is in constant motion as well, and compared to the size of the actual protons and neutrons, there is much more empty space - kind of like planets in a solar system. And each of these protons/neutrons is composed of tiny particles called quarks, which again are in constant motion and thus make up probability fields that we call protons and neutrons.
Washington was a pretty bad president if you were Haudenosaunee (Six Nations Iroquois).
I think that they are referring to the somewhat adversarial attitude of the comments in this thread. I think that a religious person, especially a self identifying Christian, would feel a bit uncomfortable reading these comments.
Merriam-Webster on “militant” (2nd definition): aggressively active (as in a cause) : combative; militant conservationists; a militant attitude
Actually they haven’t admitted to shooting it down. It was more like:
“Sorry your plane crashed in Russian airspace.”
I think what sets this case apart is that the police were doing the manufacturing of the drugs as well. Also notable is that it was publicly known that they were manufacturing and selling crack for 4 years before they were made to stop, which is quite unusual.
Clint’s Reptiles: He does great videos covering phylogeny as well as pet scores for individual species.
Professor Dave Explains: A huge variety of content explaining science, my favorites so far are on phylogeny.
Mothlight Media: Videos on evolution of modern and extinct species. One of my favorites!!
Others mentioned PBS Eons, you would most definitely like it.
Great article, but I’m surprised it didn’t end with them saying they planned to follow up with the indigenous people and use their knowledge to help fill in the gaps…
Yet another example of western science thinking we have to reinvent the wheel - the person they interviewed said that all these “new” species were already known to the locals. Obviously we just needed to ask.
Pretty sure this is “Java moss.” It grows easily but can struggle with getting algae all caught up in it. Definitely a great/popular plant, almost impossible to kill all the way.
Good to see work being done on alternatives to PFAS for waterproofing textiles.
I have to wonder if modification like this would change the recyclability of the end product. Either way, it would be a clear improvement over goretex.
It may make you happy to learn that the player that retaliated WAS ejected, as well as another Jags player who shoved him.
IMO it isn’t all about whether you have an explicit intent to hurt someone, rather it’s about using the wrong technique in a situation where you know that someone could get hurt. The defender gets paid a LOT of money to be one of the best at this sport, so there is a reasonable expectation that they will make every attempt to preserve their coworkers’ safety.
Here are some reasons I can think of:
Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and Vermont.
More than the number of states with all buildings shorter than 200ft (3).
Less than the number of states that border 5 other states (5).