Do dooo do do do.
Do dooo do do do.
I think Kerrigor meant that requiring politicians retire at the age of retirement would cause a push for retirement age to get bumped higher, and that it would be better for the maximum age for a politician to be tied to the average life expectancy (e.g. no more than 10 years younger than the average life expectancy, or some such).
Milhouse is not a meme is a meme
The way I do it, if someone says they are actively searching, they roll and take what they roll. If they are not, then I use the passive score to let them know if they see something. However, I have played with DMs that use a rule where if you roll less than you passive then you can use your passive score.
Sometimes, security just means not being the low-hanging fruit.
For those of us who understand how the platform works, it wouldn’t be an issue. However, if we want mass adoption of the platform, we need to take into consideration those who don’t fully understand the technology and avoid situations that will lead to scams where feasible. Names of authority, like admin, root, super, etc., make a user appear to have authority they don’t, which can mislead new users. (“Support our server by sending bitcoin to this address that is really my personal wallet” type scams comes to mind.) You could say that it’s the person’s fault for falling for it, but it’s something that would drive people away from the platform which can be easily avoided in the first place.
flush kidneys, prevent kidney stones. each piss is less pain.