Thanks! I’m very happy to hear that I was able to walk this fine line!
2D animator, developer, amateur music maker. Creator of old school flash stuff.
Thanks! I’m very happy to hear that I was able to walk this fine line!
*X Files theme starts playing
Love the colors, brilliant work!
Ha, that’s pretty awesome :D I’ve been really enjoying u/ballshapedman’s explorations of more realistic styles but maybe I should head towards a cartoony style to bring back balance to the Fediverse :)
Thank you!!
😂 (thank you 💕)
Stunning work, love her attitude and the amount of detail you put into it!
Hell yeah, fantastic work! It’s truly a joy watching your art journey unfold! Also don’t sweat about relying on references, first of all it’s the best way to learn and second I’m pretty sure that every artist that goes for realism has to rely on references to some extend.
Thank you! Yes, it’s charcoal! Probably half an hour or hour I’d reckon, but I usually lose track of time while drawing so it’s hard to say.
I can neither deny nor confirm that this is what may or may not have happened.
you turned it into an album cover! :o
Looking great, love the way you did the lightning! Also it’s awesome to see you exploring new styles and techniques! :)
As for the background… hmm. I can think of only two things and these are nitpicky because I think you did an awesome job on it: (1) I feel like the tall tree in the fore/midground is disrupting the overall composition with its verticality. Maybe if it were cut down / broken / tilted or something? (2) Maybe set a filter layer on the background and try a bit of hue shifting. Sometimes when I’m not happy with a background I try to change the hue a bit (or drastically) to see if that changes anything to the better. It’s not worldchanging but a quick and easy trick that can make quite a difference.
Haha no worries, I totally get it and I appreciate your input! :D
I did use an owl reference as starting point but improvised most parts so I would have been utterly surprised if my interpretation of an owl would have been even remotely anatomically correct :)
I really like the tones and blending! Only critique I can think of for this particular style, is that the outline feels a bit too dominant, especially on the side of the shadow. What I would try there would be either (a) blending the outline into the shadow, so it is one shape instead of the subject + shadow divided by a line, (b) use a color for the line that is closer to the hue of the subject, rather than mostly gray/black or © experiment with line weight a bit. Just some thoughts, I hope it makes sense :)
Very happy to hear!