I think you know what I was expecting. It was worth a shot. Sadly, as you point out, it seems like a lost cause. Thanks for the info.
Would you mind hitting us with a direct link to tubular? This is one of the biggest hindrances to getting completely off google
Could this be an attempt to clean the proton name? I think it’s difficult to say anything when it comes from a source I know nothing about.
Tutamail has a calendar. Tutamail hasn’t said anything positive or factual about the republican parties either. They’ve made no statements
It might. Remember to have hope and stay strong. Who does it benefit for you to feel defeated? There’s a clear answer to who will benefit.
Time to make the change to linux
"Thanks for your email, your feedback, and for backing our mission!
You’re absolutely right—some of the services we’re using aren’t European yet. We’re 100% aligned on the need to build and support strong European alternatives. That said, we deliberately went with a serverless setup and a tech stack we know well to move fast and get the apps live. The priority right now is to make sure our community can start buying European today—and then we’ll iterate from there. Moving all services to European Alternatives is definitely on the roadmap!"
Can’t read with adblocker.
Och även Spotify Daniel Ek har sponsrat Trump. Andrew Tate la nyligen upp ett podcast avsnitt där, men det togs bort illa kvickt. Osäkert på om han kommer lägga upp fler.
SOUNDCLOUD är tyskt, tipsar om denna för att lyssna på musik. SVTPLAY och appen “ARTE” för att se dokumentärer och film helt gratis. VIAPLAY har en hel del, ägs av folk runt om i Norden.
Tipsar även om att betala med SWISH i butiken. Det går utmärkt på både HEMKÖP och WILLYS med deras appar. “Skanna” i Hemköp och “scan&go” på Willysappen. Skanna dina varor, skanna QR koden vid utcheckning och välj betala med swish.
Tack för förtydligandet.
Yes, sorry
deleted by creator
Where I live, the workers turn them the right side again. Waste of time, don’t rely on this to navigate the boycott.
For Willys or Hemköp you can download the app and scan. Scan directly in the Hemköp app. Use scan&go on the Willys app
Godis tips: Cloetta, Malaco, Fazer, Knatter, Corny, Hockey pulver, Premier flerpack juice
Fortsätt gärna listan ↓
Hmm, okej. Det står på “Aurora store”
Som drivs av Exodus. Som sagt, upp till var och en. Jag har ingen koll på dom. Men värt att belysa.
I can’t expand the comments on some discussions. “Load 2 more” - click - nothing happens