The Lib Dems are the ones championing the scheme. The Tory is the one telling them to undo all their progress because he doesn’t like it. I’m no fan of the Lib Dems after Clegg but they’re not in the wrong here
The Lib Dems are the ones championing the scheme. The Tory is the one telling them to undo all their progress because he doesn’t like it. I’m no fan of the Lib Dems after Clegg but they’re not in the wrong here
Please don’t link to Reddit. Let’s not boost their traffic.
Worked for Hitler.
This issue seems to be a throwback to MS-DOS. The ‘rd’ command to remove folders prevented you from removing them without ‘del . /s’ being run first inside the folder. I think it was to prevent inadvertently deleting a folder full of files. In the world today we have recycle bin and undo, so I’m not sure that reason is valid any more.
TL:DR; asshole design
Active on her? She’s a lucky lady 😂
Hahaha. Marvelous.
I hope the site never sees an IPO until it fades into obscurity.
Sorry, but pretty much every scientific study disagrees with your view.
I was just thinking the same thing word for word.