We always try to give stuff that can be used up. Art pads, scratch art, that sort of thing. So we expect things to not stay forever.
Of course we live in a tiny NY apartment and so do our kids friends, so that colors our choices.
Jolly Roberts PieFed Bio
We always try to give stuff that can be used up. Art pads, scratch art, that sort of thing. So we expect things to not stay forever.
Of course we live in a tiny NY apartment and so do our kids friends, so that colors our choices.
Yeah they deal with that in the book series. Lots of AI who do space traffic routing space ships around the beams so as not to get fried.
It’s also used as a weapon in the books to defend the solar system. Fune books. I read em once a year or so.
Space based mirrors for asteroid mining. Bounce a sh*tton of light from the sun around and just melt asteroids. Love that in the Troy Rising series.
Lots of problems getting there irl (need a better way to get out of the gravity well, and light speed lag for command and control would be a real issue) but the idea is just too fun.
Love this one!
Nice, started the repo and will check it out!
Calibre for ebook and digital comics collection, plex for movies/tv/music
Nginx as a reverse proxy in front of those for remote https access.
Nice, thanks!
Lol, yeah got it on the WARS bit. I’ll check out that Young Jedi one though, that sounds like what I’m looking for!
My wife does. Hers is super useful. She sees time/the calendar as kind of an oval floating in front of her vision. Makes it easy for her to keep track of sh*t all year long.
Also she can draw a word in the air and it glows if its spelled wrong. She won a lot of spelling bees in her youth, lol.
I’ve used namecheap for years for my personal domain. It was the one I liked best back when I brought the domain.
That was like ten years ago now and cloudflair wasn’t a thing then iirc.
I have https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui for LMS and https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge for stable diffusion models.
They just run on 8g vram so I turn one off to use the other, lol.
Both work well for my needs