Sweet! I was wondering the same thing recently! I have two WD Reds that I bought pre-Covid, but the NAS (2 bay net gear) was an end-of-life super cheap discount and I want a way to keep them running….like, can I wipe net gear and reformat the whole thing? Something I keep meaning to tinker with - but the weekend (for example) I’m likely bed ridden. My body is getting destroyed at my day iob -meh.
Sweet! I was wondering the same thing recently! I have two WD Reds that I bought pre-Covid, but the NAS (2 bay net gear) was an end-of-life super cheap discount and I want a way to keep them running….like, can I wipe net gear and reformat the whole thing? Something I keep meaning to tinker with - but the weekend (for example) I’m likely bed ridden. My body is getting destroyed at my day iob -meh.