Would have been funny without the red hat. Not all us mid-western’s are MAGAs.
Would have been funny without the red hat. Not all us mid-western’s are MAGAs.
You can use it even if you only have a few. Seems like a nice visual tool to keep track of what you have. And makes a good reminder to cancel one of you haven’t used it in a while.
Seems like a cool idea, but their website explains almost nothing.
I can’t find a link to download, let alone a how-to install or what devices it’s compatible with.
They didn’t even verify the email, so you can use any BS email you want.
Any of them have call screen? IDK if I could give that up.
There is a difference between “free & open source” and “free because you don’t pay with money”.
The first means it can be peer reviewed by anyone to make sure they aren’t doing anything shady.
Can you not post here directly? Why is this just a link to reddit?
It’s not that hard. See the lights on behind you, pull over and lock your phone.
You need a tripod or something to rest the phone against. The prompt to take an astrophotography photo doesn’t come up until the phone had been held VERY still for 5-10 sec.
Biometrics are fine, just use lockdown of you get pulled over or are going throgh TSA.
You can still activate the camera/camcoder by double tapping power on a Pixel even in lockdown.
IDK, I think it’s a pretty bad if Ford can’t detect a large stationary object in the middle of the road.
So what we knew all along… It was possible to do these not-so-processor-intensive tasks on older pixels and other devices after all.
I hate that Google artificially limits these features to new phones. The only reason I’ve stuck with pixel this long is their call assistant to answer then decline spam calls without having to notifying me.
Does it have any widgets lines the cure day/time/weather or 5 day outlook.
I’m one of those people that would rather have a weather widget on my home screen than opening an app every time.
So the studio behind Senua’s Sacrifice made a mocap headset that is like the iPhone face ID on steroids. The character on the left is the most realistic copy of the WOMAN who voices Senua in the game.
Not open source, but I use the Google TV chromecast in “apps only” mode.
Its very minimal but you still get a single picture of whatever show is being promoted that week. No other intrusive adds have been added {yet}.
Bulldoze it, it’s her land right?.
It should be like having someone else’s car towed off your driveway.
Would you like to rate your app 5 stars?
I’ll rate it 1 now because I’ve told you NO 3 times and you won’t stop asking.
Lots of teachers are part of a union. There’s no mention of it in the article that I see, but union workers tend to be a little bit more protected than at will workers.
It also breaks Google Keep & Google Drive in Firefox.
The title here is very misleading (probably for clicks). Both his supporters and the media still onoe where he is… in a Detention Facility in Louisiana.