Bloodsport or The Road Warrior.
Bloodsport or The Road Warrior.
Just trying to live my life and get with big tiddied Cleopatra. Gandhi comes over and cock blocks me with nukes. That’s all right though, my Giant Death Robot is teabagging Delhi right now while I launch a satellite. - Abe Lincoln
Do it a few times and it gives your computer massive biceps
I have never heard of underwear being called ass socks.
That’s why I use his butthole too.
Don’t forget too, depending on water tank size and people in the household you will run out of hot water faster. If this is normally 1.5 gpm or 2.5 gpm and you remove it it might make it 3-4 gpm or more. That will mean a 50 gallon tank would run out of hot water in about 12-15 minutes,(it will heat up some so you might get a few more gallons and minutes. So let’s say 20 minutes. If it is just you, no problem. If you have a family/roommates it might be a problem if they are all getting ready around the same time.
2010-2015 Toyota Prius. Efficient, smooth, roomy, can haul a bunch of stuff. Just fun to drive and love the car for what it is and designed to do.