Oui, l’idéal c’est une instance de taille “moyenne”, pas trop petite pour qu’elle soit pérenne dans le temps mais pas trop grosse pour ne pas être trop impacté par les dramas… Ça implique de chercher un peu, mais cette idée de plein d’instances “moyennes” c’est aussi probablement le modèle idéal de la fédération.
Every single website or app on the internet is at least partially built on free software. The internet as we know couldn’t exist without the crowdfunded and volunteer-only work of open-source folks.
Most content on the internet is produced for free by users. Websites like Reddit can’t exist without the free work of their moderators.
So what is left to finance in order to free us from vampire companies? Hosting fees? That’s cheap compared to the other costs…
Not sure about that, see how the migration from Twitter, Reddit and other shitty platforms takes time? You can’t just leave if the people you like to interact with stay on the other side. That’s how they got us. The main selling point of Thread today: “come, many people you know are already there!”
They wouldn’t get into it without a plan to monetize it, that’s the type of things they’re known for…
Overall, I think people over-estimate the cost of running things on the internet. We already “paying” most of it just by producing meaningful content. We don’t need tech companies to take their share in the process, we only need time and brain work to make the Fediverse easier to use so that our friends on the other side decide to join us here.