The nature of Signal being end-to-end encrypted by default without any third party in the middle does add some limitations for the desktop app. I do wish I could insert a fucking GIF though.
The nature of Signal being end-to-end encrypted by default without any third party in the middle does add some limitations for the desktop app. I do wish I could insert a fucking GIF though.
I think you are just getting recommended stuff related to other subs you clicked on, whether you are subbed to them or not.
I’m normally with you but the opportunity to play it on a long Labor Day weekend was calling my wallet to action.
The purpose of this recipe seems to be for when you just have way too many beans taking up space in your pantry.
For reference, I had this card for a while but just rebuilt most of my PC with a new processor, motherboard, 1000W PSU, new ram and case that I put extra fans in. This happened once in my old build and now a second in my new one.
I think you just answered your own question. Assuming you reformatted when you got the new hardware, something is wrong with your GPU. Even if you didn’t, that’s really suspect.
When you submit your RMA, make sure to tell them you tried it in a completely different computer rather than complicating the story.
For those not in the know.
No one “deserves” a platform. People should have the right to free speech, but equal volume has never been a guarantee. That’s up to your community.
Less people under 29 voted in 2022 than they did in 2018 (28% to 23%). It’s not really a trend. I admire your enthusiasm though hope your convictions are correct.
If it’s not comfy, I’m not wearing it.
My hand cramped up scrolling down here to tell you my hand cramped while scrolling down.
Pretty sure quitting your job would be the first thing most people would do.
But next up? Booking tickets to Japan to eat and drink my way through the country for a few months.
You and her will just have to learn how to…
Can’t wait to see what his new AppleTV show will be like. Don’t know how the strip is going to translate to animation but hopefully they do it justice.
No one asked or wanted this comment but pepperoni was first created in NYC about 100 years ago. By Italian immigrants, sure, but that doesn’t support my annoying joke ruining reply.