Yeah, to be clear, MediaWiki is open source and also has alllll sorts of really cool extensions. You also already can download the entire contents of Wikipedia.
I think this desire to federate everything is going too far. Most things don’t benefit from this and in fact just become over complicated. If you can host a regular copy of a site easily… that’s frankly most of the benefits there.
To be honest, I rarely noticed the votes tally. I think the bot just applied a flair to the post eventually? It wasn’t that relevant to me. I could see from the comments what the top posts were saying. For most posts, it’s usually obviously leaning in one direction, anyway. I always went to the comments for the discussion and drama, anyway.
I do think the existing voting options are good. And think that all top level comments should contain either a clear vote or INFO, because I think the sub doesn’t really work if people aren’t voting in some way.
One rule of perhaps interest is the not accepting your judgement rule. I’m not sure if I care for that rule in the late subreddit. On the surface, it makes sense, since why post here if you’re not going to accept the judgement? But I think we have to be honest here. The sub exists because it’s amusing. The cases where OP doesn’t accept their verdict can be quite dramatic and fun in a certain sense. That seems like it’s conductive to the true goal of the sub. Also, I’d rather have an OP that argues against everyone than one who never replies (especially when there’s so many requests for info).