trademarks are good for 10 years and looking at some of twitters trademarks it seems the renewed them in 2019. So yes, in 2029, if X hasn’t reverted to being called twitter then their trademarks will be unprotected.
Learning to drive. I’ve met a few people who didn’t learn to drive until their late 20’s or 30’s and there always seems to be some awkwardness to their driving. On the opposite side, learning to drive at 16 seems to encourage reckless habits to form, people I’ve known who waited until 18 have much better driving habits on average.
Uh, the first one. It’s all downhill after that. It’s the only one he’s ever pulled off. Look at the goals for the master plan part 2 and you’ll see that they haven’t managed to do a single one, but Elon still went ahead a published a part 3. Why actually meet goals when you can just pretend you’ve met them by posting new ones, I guess.
I don’t think so? I’m struggling to think of how it would enhance human rights. Isn’t it the same as regular marriage without the trip to the local court? I always thought other countries had it as a penalty so that couples couldn’t use cohabitating but not getting married as a tax loophole.
Yep, though the single option is often written as single/never married so that it’s more clear. We don’t have common law marriages (except a few states) so those 4 categories cover every situation, though without much detail.
The pikmin 4 demo
This graph has some scale issues; 5 days and 2 months look basically the same and the difference between 5 years and 7 years is also minimal. They would have been better off dropping the “World Wide Web” which doesn’t fit anyway since it isn’t an app and giving more space to everything else.
Yes, but I’ve forgotten it now
It’s another site in fediverse. It’s a link aggregator like Lemmy is. I’m replying to your comment from kbin :)
This was before smartphones I guess
Apple could do this but they’d be driving away their customer base, the hardware is fine but software is really the reason to get an iphone.
They do? That sucks. I’ve only had iPhones and have gotten the battery replaced in both of them. It’s increased the lifespan of my phones by a couple of years, but it doesn’t double it. I usually start to sick of my hardware after about 5 years.
Isn’t that about 50 years? unless your grandkids are already born.
aw that sucks. No one should have to have kids for lack of real choices. I hope your kid is cute and easygoing.
I’m sorry that happened to you. Let the business owner know that all of those kids are ruining the vibe that you patronize their business for. Solving this problem could be as easy as the barber shop offering something like a kids day where they don’t serve whiskey and instead serve lemonade or something, allowing that day to be the main kids day.
I think you don’t see those adult only places much any more because to most they have outlived their usefulness. There are 2 factors behind this. First, there are far fewer children around nowadays than before. When everyone had multiple children, adult only spaces were necessary if anyone wanted to get anything done. The second, and honestly a great thing from a childfree point of view, is that between birth control and abortion, most people who do have kids genuinely want them. I suspect that most of the demand for those adult only spaces in the past was from people who were seeking peace from their own kids. Of course all parents need breaks from their kids, but ever noticed that the people who complain the most about their children are the ones who had them out of obligation rather than desire?
I don’t really agree with this article. The argument seems to rest on the idea that a representative democracy is a compromise on direct democracy. In reality, even though I have the ability to meaningfully participate in every election a direct democracy would entail, I have no desire to because I have other things I would rather spend my time doing.
Similarly, even if I have the ability to run my own instance (admittedly I do not, but many of us early adopters do), I do not want to. I’m happy to let other people do it as long as those people seem like broadly agree with my morals. I don’t need an close relationship, just a trustful one. This digital forum inherently has even better benefits than real life; if I realize I dislike my current instance, I have the option to move to another instance or create my own. In real life I can only move to another district or hope to vote out my current rep.
I upvote my own posts too, I do try to avoid boosting my own posts. We’re from kbin though, I think on Lemmy self-upvotes are automatic.
This is an ongoing problem with our Information Age. The fediverse already has this problem, though to a much lesser degree than reddit. Look at the structure of titles of threads on the political magazines/communities here. They are designed to make you outraged, because the sources they come from made their titles with engagement in mind and that permeates over to here. My hope is that the group of people on the fediverse, who are more interested in the future of the internet than most, will give rise to an idea that helps combat this problem.
Humenity’s selvation will come from tripping on drugs?