I’m an engineer/musician/artist/designer/bricoleur/womble. :D
Now blogging at https://write.as/billysmith/
Currently working on #OSHW for the primary industry sectors; #Agriculture, #Aquaculture, #Energy, #PowerGeneration, #PowerStorage, #Sustainability, #Regeneration, #Resilience, #TerraForming.
You can’t solve a #SocialProblem via TechnicalMeans, so i’ve focused on creating solutions that people can choose to build themselves. :D
The game mechanics are similar to most tactical MMORPG’s, but it’s the quality of the storytelling that stands out. :D
In the first section that you are sent to explore, the player is acting as an investigator/cleaner in an HP Lovecraft story. :D
What is also interesting from the pov of gameplay, is that you can only make some of the choices once in the main story arc. :D
Want to make different choices, you have to start again with a new character. :D
There’s another good example in The Secret World :D
It’s an early and ongoing experiment in machinima that stands out as being one of the few MMO’s that was publicly LBTQ+ friendly. :D
It is known from interviews that some of the writers are fans of @cstross as is evidenced by the world-building for the main story arc. :D
What about a series about political suicides that have taken place at The Four Seasons? :D