Hmm. Maybe it’s because I’m on mobile and it just redirects to the app
Hmm. Maybe it’s because I’m on mobile and it just redirects to the app
No cape??!? Literally unplayable
If you want a standalone app and not a safari workaround, I recommend video lite. Works for twitch too.
I wish my college dorm room had one of these bad boys….
Gear dads. At least in the music gear world
Can’t believe fromsoft is remastering DDBR2SotAotRCotOHDT before bloodborne PC port smh
I only use usb-c powered fans. 3 and 4 pin connectors are for little baby losers
It is likely an ant lion larvae. Except the stupid, dumb, FUCKING idiots at the toy factory fuzed the thorax and the abdomen like a bunch of fuckin rubes
Scalding hot boiling take
It’s not super fleshed out, but it also isn’t time consuming. Like if you are talking to your companions regularly, we are talking about selecting a couple of extra dialogue options here and there.
Sorry, for clarification: you can save the tieflings and druids and still recruit Minthara
Wait till this guy hears about Minthara
This happened to me once when I made the foolish error of opening a Bueno bar in front of Notre Dame in Paris. Was swarmed by a few dozen of these bois.
The PvP experience itself has actually never been in a better spot imo in terms of content delivery and balance cadence
Yeah it’s a bit of red-headed step child. There’s some pretty cool mechanical stuff in there though.
Imo 4e is far and away the most analogous edition to a video game and it’s not close. That’s why a lot of longtime dnd players found the shift so jarring. It forewent a lot of the more RP and theater-of-the-mind focused parts of combat in particular and integrated systems that were inspired by tabletop war and tactics games. From a pure mechanics perspective, it was awesome and there was a lot to grab on to and really strategize/min-max. Some people didn’t like the trade-offs though. I think it is the most video game like in its core systems.
I do not endorse the brain worms man