This was standard Grineer Galleon (Grineer ship), although this specific mission was on Sedna
Once I saw someone propose the idea of a Warframe that actively wanted to become a warframe and was glad to be transformed into one. Sort of like a counterpart to Umbra. I think that would be a breath of fresh air amidst the many frames with tragic backstories, although such a frame would have to have some other themes to them too, because I’m not sure how you’d turn transhumanism into a set of four abilities
That is so damn cool!
Usually I would be completely disregarding the luxxum ornaments, but the D&D nerd in me cannot resist the appeal of having a little d12 in my orbiter. It’s the only thing staving off my disappointment from the fact that no Primed Animal Instinct
We stan Caliban
Now this is some next-level Ikeaframe
You seem to have been up to quite a bit!