War about to be real scary 2fast5me
War about to be real scary 2fast5me
The start of a global market crash 😔
Words are a sequence of sounds, that’s why we learn those sequences from a young age because it is easier to adapt to these new sounds and take key elements to try and create a relational? Dataset / database. That’s one of the beauty of different languages in life.
Because you are conveying this “illusionary” convo in the stated database that is familiar to some, we are able to convey those same sounds back to you to form a conversation.
To an individual who has not learnt the “English” language all our words sounds
This is my opinion
Mention of AQWorlds and private servers? What year is this! Were you a lurker or member of the CE forum or Stylin-on.me? 😉
It’s wonderful to see all the protest but I do hope the people come out to vote when it is time cause that is what will really matter
I wrote my reply help asleep but I was thinking about Malaysia; apologies on that part but if you require a list of countries
Morocco Tunisia Malaysia Indonesia UAE ( they’ve since removed / limited a lot of their sharia based law ) Kazakhstan Lebanon Bosnia and Herzegovina
The mention of “false prophet” is subjective so I won’t get into that. If you go to Israel and question the “messiah” I’m sure you’re bound to get similar results
It is at the end of the day all about leadership and as of this moment the leaders are regressive in those Muslim countries you listed but that is changing and will continue to change with time; maybe not for the kingdoms
As for Muslims not giving opinion of the subject of others committing heinous crimes in the name of Islam, that’s untrue as I’ve seen here in NY a lot of disgust and condemnation of those extremism.
Is it not the Christians in America that are moving the democratic sovereignty to a theocratic one?
The biggest threat to America today is not communism. It’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy. Everything that’s happened under the Reagan Administration is steering us right down that pipe.
Let us work towards a future where religion plays a background subject.
Again nitpicking;
You are looking at the extreme ends of Muslim / Islam countries
There are “democratic” countries that are not as extreme like Malaysia and Brunei or even Indonesia.
Edited : out Singapore; see reply below for correction.
To me it seems like you are just looking at Iran/Iraq and such when you mention that religion so it will most definitely look like that. I do agree at its current stage Islam is fostering a lot of extremist beliefs but there have been period with different leaders where things looked way progressive comparatively.
You cannot judge something that is almost immemorial from a single point of view as they all go through periods of change.
From my understanding in a world with 3 theocratic religion it has always been Judaism and Christianity vs Islam so of course you only hear and see bad and never the good when the overall big picture is messed up.
I personally am in favor of destruction of all religion but I also understand why they exist.
I am stating it again, try doing those same action in a state with a lot of Zionist believers or orthodox Christian’s and see what happens. I am not asking you to change your view but rather see it from an open prospective if you are going to try defending any religion at all.
I agree that religion extremism is trash but your comparison is as dog water. Try doing the same type of thing to a Torah or a bible; watch what happens. You cannot compare one subject to another
There are extremist for every religion and you are just nitpicking. If someone is openly instigating then they will obviously face the consequence from the zealot.
Don’t spread shitty logic like that; it’s a deterrent to a open minded logic
Mullvad VPN
It’s John Xina
World of cultivation, I’d fund a donghua for that book so fast
To explore and understand the significance of your existence because from my understanding ( ignorant ) we don’t really have an answer to our origin but rather an idea. History which is knowledge passed down, is always written from the perspective of the “winner” and rarely the losers.
I see no problem with that, someone please enlighten me
Yeah could be android app related, in the iOS version there is a share button per post
Yes, there is a share button! Are you using the desktop version or the app?
Yes, https://blog.elenarossini.com/the-future-of-social-is-here-a-show-and-tell-part-4-lemmy-piefed-mbin/
Go down to the section where it discusses interoperability, came across this as I was trying to understand and learn which software I should use for my own server/instance
Edited, apologies
That’s the neat part! Lemmy.world doesn’t allow that😂😂😂. Best bet to move over to another instance if you like that type of integration.
Edited for misinterpretation
Hilarious how the comments are blaming the group that wants to abstain or be central in their belief when the play was already set in place regardless of the outcome. Class war yet we bite at each other.
People are not understanding that there is a hard-on for conservatives when it comes to foreigners/immigrants so they’ll spread those article even with misinformation involved because as your sources show, not much “news” about those stabbing albeit how recent they are