I’ve only ever used Goodreads to track books I’ve read. What was good about it in the past?
I’ve only ever used Goodreads to track books I’ve read. What was good about it in the past?
Having played Planescape: Torment for the first time back in 2018, I’ve been wanting to run a game based in Sigil since then. Currently resisting the urge to pre-order rn, ugh.
Same thoughts. I’ve mostly lurked from my 10 yo reddit account, but now since we’re the pioneers, gotta till the soil and work hard 'n all that.
I saw your post back at /r/dndmemes too and laughed out loud! 😆 Genuinely regret I can’t upvote/award it now as I’ve always loved OC submissions. People tended to misunderstand the rules and just straight up posted their art. But one that was actually funny and meme-y? They’re the ones that make me keep coming back the sub and mod. 😊
Anyway, upvoted the ones you submitted here, and us at the former/current mod team are glad you’ve brought attention to this site. They even pinned it on the sub. 😆 (Also a ma’am. Never bothered to correct anybody over there as a big a site as that felt impersonal, but this place still feels small and cozy.)
Hnnng, yeah I guess. Not that hard to do with their Spelljammer release.