In the last couple of hours we have laid out the groundwork for the very first live instance of Haveno called Reto.

We have set up multiple seednodes and have trusted arbitrators.

We expect to be able to provide simple instructions on how to join Reto within the next 24 hours, after which we will hopefully see the first trades happen!

Join our SimpleX group to stay updated:{"type"%3A"group"%2C"groupLinkId"%3A"YT2t__GnjpZ1W2MjJAz6Sw%3D%3D"}

See you soon on Reto!

    10 months ago

    It seems like everyone is trying to drag me to their favorite messenger

    Yes, because people treat messenger choices as a popularity competition.

    Look how many people I got to switch to crapware just because they wanted to chat with me! I must be super socially powerful! Woo hoo! Meanwhile, the technical consequences of this strategy are… predictable: crapware.

    Opt out of all the noise and just stick to IRC.