Now I have a week to brush up on some tech stuff (active directory mainly), and we should be good!
I’ve found a good 6 hour tutorial on YouTube that’ll do the trick.
Go go Simon!
Yay! Yeah you’ll get the hang of active directory.
I did it ages ago at uni but haven’t really had to use it much. Got my VM setup and a few 6 hour videos ready to go lol
@Gibsonisafluffybutt @imoldgreeeg Yay! Congratulations Simon 👏
Woohoo! Good stuff!
That is so cool.
Yaaaaassssss!!! You got this! Fuck yeah!
Ad? Or AAD? Remember for bonus points call it “extra id” these days. Throw in a reference to conditional access policies. If that don’t give the security guys a semi nothing will.
That’s fucking hilarious 🤣 but you’re absolutely spot on. They want basic AD knowledge which is pretty straightforward. Just brushing up.
I actually did work on IAM and conditional access at my last job, but only as a project manager.
Absolutely bring that up. Fair to assume they are directory synced to the cloud. honestly conditional access is one of the coolest things Microsoft have done in the last 10 years!!
For inside knowledge: Microsoft apparently working on enabling more complex passwords in entra id. I’m very excited about this because it’s stupid that you have to have an on premises active directory to be able to set minimum complexity requirements.
Interesting! I’ve been hearing that two factor isn’t enough anymore is that true?
This job, it’s linked to the courts, so everything is still on prem. Although, maybe if I get this job I can start an initiative to move to the cloud.
Correct, mfa ain’t enough. Especially in sensitive settings like the courts. Government gets twitchy about data going out of the country. You might even find dealing with the courts the mandate IS on prem.
But I’ve had clients/customers/whatever click on links and have their auth token stolen from the browser, allowed an attacker to come in totally bypassing mfa. I’ve also had customers have their phone number ported away to steal the sms auth. Shit is scary.
Pretty sure the court is mandated to be on prem if I recall from the interview. Browser stuff can be mitigated to a degree, but how the fuck do you stop number porting and Sim cloning?
So MS are dropping SMS auth totally. MFA requires an app, or it will. Its a VERY slow rollout.
Initial Assessment for Psych sessions done. Now on the wait-list for a bulk billed session.
Holy crap, I want to cry and laugh.
Looking forward to TAFE starting in July, too.
I can do this, I can do this. If not for me, then for him:
Well done! I know how hard it can be to get things sorted out. You should be really proud of yourself 🙂
Thank you 🙏 I appreciate this a lot 😭💜
Alrighty. Off to an interview as “Simon”. Here we go.
Good luck Simon
Simple as Simon can be, he does well in interviews lol
Remember to talk about coffee, Bunnings sausages, your lawn and how you love the tv show MAFS if you really wanna sell the “white boring dude thing”.
Mate did you see the eagles get absolutely THRASHED by the pies yesterday?!
“did you see that ludicrous display last night?!”
Saw little butters today for an mday event. Little man chooses his battles.
Butty booiiii ugh so handsome want to skritch. Wish his humans were nicer
How has Butters been?
😍He is beautiful!
It went ok I think. They didn’t react negatively to “Simon”. But we’ll see how it plays out.
Was good practice anyway! Edit: managed to sort of organise a reference. It’s a mate but it’s the best I can do for the moment.
Good work! did you bring up last nights massive revelation on “farmer wants a root” to sell it? I assume there was a massive revelation anyway.
I may have stretched my Aussie accent out a bit further than normal. Only slightly though.
“yeah nahh yeah”?
Onya Simmo!
Maaaaaate 👍
Fantastic! Seriously should be proud of yourself! 💜 Make sure to treat yourself as well, you deserve it!
I’m about to enjoy my afternoon Nanna nap and playing with Gibson. Perfect combo lol
Still feeling wrecked. Am kind of wondering whether it’s related to (an unpleasant road related incident)
an accident yesterday. I was riding home and had to u-turn as there had been accident involving a motorcyclist just several minutes before. I didn’t see anything, but I saw the bobbing of a head and I knew they were desperately doing CPR. A witness said they’d been trying for 5 mins and didn’t know when the ambulance would arrive. They were on the way when I was riding back in the opposite direction. The news reported that he died at the scene. I’m trying not to think about it, but it’s hard since I ride there almost weekly. I mean, I know that it can happen anywhere, but most people on the weekends are sort of chill. It is a winding 60km that increases to 80km, but most people on the weekends take it pretty easy. Hell, I rode Black Spur yesterday and one of the drivers was literally driving half the speed limit. sigh Just that constant reminder of life.
Sorry, just needed to offload it.
Edit: Oh no. The spoiler isn’t working on mobile? I’m so sorry. 😔
It’s hard to witness, your feelings are valid. Make sure you take care of yourself, self-care. Sending you good vibes
Thanks, StudSpud. I guess I didn’t really realise how it might have affected me. I had a pretty bad sleep last night and didn’t put two and two together.
Mate, being so close to the scene like that would absolutely have residual effects on your nervous system. Definitely take it easy, it can be a lot to process
e: btw your original spoiler worked, but I think you edited it wrong. You need to write it like this:
::: spoiler INSERT_HEADING_TEXT actual content :::
to get this:
actual content
Thanks, JK. It looks like that in formatting and works on desktop, but I only noticed it wasn’t working on Memmy. I tried to fix it, but to no avail.
Appreciate your words, thanks.
Odd, it looked fine to me on mobile browser but not on desktop. Ah well. I think everyone here empathises with your situation. Hope your sleep improves over the week.
What a frickin dumpster fire. The EBU f’ed up hard. Also so much for not politicising Eurovision, Israel got over 300 points with one of the worst songs of the night! in the same 24 hours it warns of inceasing its bombing campaign in Rafa. I just…… I don’t even have words here. What the f is going on in the world.
Ah but Eurovision isn’t political. Those bombings? Not our problem. Oh, people are upset at Israel? We’Re NoT pOlItIcAl REEEEEEE!
Ah but Eurovision isn’t political. Those bombings? Not our problem. Oh, people are upset at Israel? We’Re NoT pOlItIcAl REEEEEEE!
Palestine isn’t a participant. So I guess in a sense “not their problem”? but booting out the Dutch…? Maaaaan.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dutch didn’t participate next year. Joost was my pick too 😭
Interesting! I wanted Croatia or Austria.
Nah, I reckon they’ll just send him again. Given the EBU the real middle finger. Tipping theres gonna be some pretty damning interviews given over the next couple of weeks against the EBU anyway.
There’s also the CNN article on the Israeli whistleblowers. Massive trigger warnings for detainment and torture if you look that up. Cripes.
And yet still in the Un. Still invited to Eurovision. Netanyahu Could behead a baby on national tv and so long as he says it was a “terrorist” Biden would still suck his dick.
UN won’t kick you out for being a genocidal dick, you want dicks to retain UN membership so everyone can yell at them - it’s a place where everyone uses their words instead of nukes
UN won’t kick you out for being a genocidal dick, you want dicks to retain UN membership so everyone can yell at them - it’s a place where everyone uses their words instead of nukes
With respect, if thats the plan its a shit one. Sure, no one has dropped the hammer yet, but aint done shit all for the suffering.
The purpose of the UN is to get people talking in a room, as opposed to standing on opposite sides of the battlefield. To try and talk it out.
It’s not perfect. nothing involving humans is. People seem to think it’s like World Police but it’s not.
The purpose of the UN is to get people talking in a room,
till one of the permanent members of the security council use their veto anyway.
People seem to think it’s like World Police but it’s not.
But hear me out, what if it was? Syria. Ukraine. Palestine/Israel. Georgia. Somalia. Civilians dead under the current system. I get nothings perfect, but fuck man we gotta do better than this.
The veto only applies to security council, not geberal assembly and is a bit of a two edged sword.
But in regards to world police? You’re trying to use a drill as a hammer. It’s not designed for that.
Ok, UN as a world police. How does that work? What actions do they take now?
Took a pretty heavy call from a friend this afternoon that is going through a rough time. She had an altercation with some friends in our group which I think set her off into a spiral. I had no idea about any of this. It takes a lot of courage to reach out to someone.
I used to get affected by the same friends too, but then learned to stop putting disappointing people on a pedestal, thinking they do the same, and rely on them for emotional support and wellbeing which was always one way. I made some new friends. I discovered that healthy adult friendships actually exist and instead of being upset about certain behaviours from those people, I learned to pity that behaviour. I hope she learns this too.
I’m learning that lesson myself. It’s tough, but good to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
so many many hugs
it was a very sad day for me when I realised my family of origin would never be a support . I went non contact because of abuse, and my husband’s family? I will do nothing for them anymore other than grunt oh noes when they tell sad tales. I am lucky to have a few people in my life I can rely on and I think that’s what it’s like. In life we only get a few people.
I used to get affected by the same friends too, but then learned to stop putting disappointing people on a pedestal, thinking they do the same, and rely on them for emotional support and wellbeing which was always one way.
Big hugs. Relate to that so very painfully. I still feel pangs of sadness over the loss of an entire friend circle over covid; I shared lots of values and experiences with them and we had lots of great times, but I could’ve kicked myself for being so reliant on them for that support/wellbeing when it turns out that they were supremely unwilling/unable to show up in the ways that mattered most when the chips were down.
It was impossible to have an honest conversation because they would beat themselves up in a show of contrition and shame but not actually acknowledge any issues and work on them (or anticipate them better). I know a lot of that is a trauma response from them but after a certain point it just wasn’t healthy to be around any more and I couldn’t handle continuing to be the only one willing to forgive and accommodate.
I’m still in the phase of not really having made any new friends on that level, though I certainly have strengthened my friendship with a couple of other rock-solid people in my life and it’s made me so much more grateful for them.
Hard relate. I’ve learned to try and be happy in my own company rather than deal with that, but humans are a social animal and those behaviours are so pervasive
Currently trying to organise a redundancy reference. Can’t risk getting to the last stage and having someone drop out.
Also, we are a chicken household:
To whom it may concern:
Simon is good. Please hire him.
Yours sincerely,
Melbourne DTIn answer to your enquiry, Sir, I am happy to see that you’ve had the good sense to hire Mr Fluffybutt. He is and will be an excellent employee.
@Thornburywitch @bacon To all whom this may concern,
I am writing to express my strong and sincere recommendation for Mr. Simon Fluffybutt as a candidate for this position.
In his previous role, Simon unlocked substantial value, leading both directly and indirectly to a strengthening of the sales pipeline, while leveraging and fully capitalising on synergistic new opportunities for revenue growth.
In a dynamic, fast-paced, lean, and agile environment, Simon demonstrates a natural flair for delivering outcomes while expertly liaising across multiple internal and external stakeholder groups with divergent expectations, while diligently managing competing priorities.
He is both a dynamic self-starter who thrives when taking ownership of projects to drive strategic results, as well as a collaborative team player who works efficiently towards shared goals and KPIs.
I have full confidence in Simon’s extensive expertise, knowledge, and skillset, which will contribute meaningfully and substantively to the long-term growth of your organisation going forward.
If you have any questions in regards to this letter, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Kindest regards,
deleted by creator
I endorse this message
Does Gibson know you as Simon yet?
That actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you! Sadly she still calls me “meow”
With the right candidate the furry approach might work. If “Simon” fails, “Mr Mittens” might be worth a shot.
Best $7 ever spent. Doggo can no longer disappear into the night…
Edit - now in the market for a similarly priced glow-in-the-dark ball for throwing…and not losing
This reminds me of a friend from long ago who had a coal black kelpie - not a white hair on him. Named Spot, as in spot the dog … preferably before you tripped over him.
Got some pretty cool shots of the aurora on Saturday night, hand held with my phone, standing in my partners backyard in Reservoir!!! What a crazy experience :)
it was a surprise to see it from the suburbs, but I nearly died of shock when my dogshit iphone managed a pretty decent pic. the poor thing doesnt even have a night mode or long exposure, it was a hell of an ask for “auto” mode.
Mimi is such a brave little kitty.
Yesterday, wifey noticed that Mimi seemed to be winking a lot. After some further inspection, she noticed that one of Mimi’s eyelids was swollen.
So today, Mimi went on a big trip to the vets to see Dr Paul.
Dr Paul took a look at her eye, and thankfully there’s no scratches on her eyeball.
Because it’s one eye that was swollen, it’s unlikely to be an allergic reaction, and our babies are all indoor cats.
Most likely, it was that some individual — who may or may not be named Spunky or Snowy — got a little rough while playing with Mimi overnight.
After an anti-inflammatory injection and some eyedrops, Miss Mimi was sent home.
She’s now happily playing in a box.
I told you there would be fisticuffs over that box.
@CEOofmyhouse56 You were correct.
Poor Mimi 😿
Get well soon Miss Mimi ♥
@CEOofmyhouse56 She was so brave when I took her down to see Dr Paul though.
Sat still while Dr Paul weighed her, did the eye drops, and gave her an injection.
He was very impressed.
No way would I be that brave in the same circumstances 😂
Sweet Mimi, such a good puss. 😍 Wishing her a healthy recovery 💜💜
She is a good puss.
@Seagoon_ Thank you 😊
The good news is that she got home and had dinner and a bit of a play. Hopefully, after a couple of days of eye drops, she makes a full recovery 😸
TinyCat was a model patient. Bloods, worming, vaccines and we will see what we see. Still weighs the same, still eating and going to the litter box ok so they are not sure but not super worried.
Hopefully everything will be ok. It’s so hard to tell if something is really going on with cats.
I’m pretty convinced he’s just being an A hole to be honest, but hey always best to be sure before i shoo him off the bench for the 7th time in 48 hours.
I took mine in for blood test, x-rays etc and in the end it was nothing. So glad I had pet insurance.
Ah see, there’s your problem - trying to keep a cat off an elevated platform
not NORMALLY an issue to be honest. We have an agreement that he gets 95% of the house and to do whatever the f he wants, and he respects a few sacred spaces. Thats part what triggered the vet visit, just a big personality shift. if he isnt your shaddow he’s trying to get a rise out of you.
Mine know full well the bench is out of bounds. The Void will get on it specifically so I stand up to scold him, then dash to steal the warm chair I vacated. This is apparently a fantastic game.
TinyCat is off to the vet. He chucked again this morning, that makes it 4 times in a week. He’s also alternates between velcro-kitty and antagonist way more than usual. Suspect something is going on with him.
Have awoken to a kitchen covered in stir fry. Unwisely thought the lid would be enough to stop FishyCat getting into it. Hopefully he doesn’t end up peeing rocks from that snack.
A true hunter in your midst
He was a street cat before we got him, so fuck knows what he was hunting up to eat. Needs to stick to his prescription biscuits now! Wish you could explain to them.
Mine “accidentally” stole a small of piece of chicken off my plate that was seasoned with garlic and now she’s nuts for it.
No Gibson, garlic will kill you. Doesn’t seem to sink in
I recommend getting 1/4 chicken and chips. Skin and chips for thee, rest tithed to the lord
Er, in my experience the Vet saying buy the cat a rotisserie chicken translates to ‘it’s terminal’.
That’s a whole chicken, along the lines of ‘let them eat whatever they want’.
A random snack is just fine (caveat: we have two, formerly three cats, so scale the amount of chicken the human gets to actually consume as required)