The Glass Warrior, Sentient Slayer, walking AoE - Gara!

Release date: 2017-10-12

Passive: When casting an ability, Gara’s glass body has 15% chance to Blind enemies within 12 meters for 10 seconds, exposing them to Melee Finisher attacks. Blind chance increases by 20% until the blind triggers.
Shattered Lash - Lash out with stream of shattered glass, or hold for an arcing strike.
Splinter Storm - Gara’s armor splinters into a maelstrom of shattered glass that slices enemies and impairs their weapons. Allies who contact the cloud are fortified against damage.
Spectrorage - Trap enemies in a carousel of mirrors, forcing them to attack visions of their true selves. Destroyed mirrors damage their attackers, as does the collapse of the carousel.
Mass Vitrify - Create an expanding ring of molten glass that slowly crystallizes enemies who enter. When the expansion is complete, the ring hardens to block weapons fire. The ring draws extra strength from the health and shields of crystallized enemies. Use Shattered Lash to smash the ring and send razor-sharp glass flying outward.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is awarded upon completion of the Saya’s Vigil quest. Component blueprints are acquired from Plains of Eidolon Bounties.

    9 months ago

    Honestly fun for building up infinite damage stacks (You can double dip by putting it on your sentinel since its garuanteed to refresh whenever you do) and killing enemies by just existing. Eclipse change was also kind of nice for her since you can stack it with shattered lash for 97.5% reduction at base.