@dgerard One of the most maddening things about this video is realizing just how many modern apps are being developed with software that hasn’t even reached major version 1.
Everyone is cursed with pending to use semver, or never feeling like the thing they’ve bodged together is “ready”, or are overcome with shame at how unfixably awful their creation is, and probably all three.
1.0.0 releases are meaningless now. That’s why we have zerover: https://0ver.org/
Philthy doesn’t have its own versioning scheme yet, but I’m considering starting us at v1.0.0 just so we’ll never occupy the same versioning range as Lemmy or any of its dependencies
date-based might be prudent for what I’d like to do — essentially because we’re running this stuff in prod, I don’t want us to go in with the expectation that what we’re writing is half-working pre-beta software (though that does closely match the current reality)
@dgerard One of the most maddening things about this video is realizing just how many modern apps are being developed with software that hasn’t even reached major version 1.
Everyone is cursed with pending to use semver, or never feeling like the thing they’ve bodged together is “ready”, or are overcome with shame at how unfixably awful their creation is, and probably all three.
1.0.0 releases are meaningless now. That’s why we have zerover: https://0ver.org/
@rook “Low in the stack, low in the version. That’s the HashiCorp way.” 💀💀💀
to be fair, a version starting with 0 is almost certainly fair warning
Philthy doesn’t have its own versioning scheme yet, but I’m considering starting us at v1.0.0 just so we’ll never occupy the same versioning range as Lemmy or any of its dependencies
if ever there was software warranting a 0.x, it’s Lemmy
as a compatible fork it might be useful to track version numbers? i guess it depends how much tracking you wanna do really
or just go to date-based releases
date-based might be prudent for what I’d like to do — essentially because we’re running this stuff in prod, I don’t want us to go in with the expectation that what we’re writing is half-working pre-beta software (though that does closely match the current reality)