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🌿 Fougère Friday: Prom King🪻
- Brush: Declaration Grooming Know It All 28mm B14 Badger Knot
- Razor: Karve Shaving Co. Overlander
- Blade: Gillette Nacet [8]
- Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Prom King - Soap
- Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Prom King - Aftershave
Rating: 4.5/5
The black anodized aluminium with the blue details always looks great
Italian Citrus
- Brush: Chisel and Hound Ambrosia Maple with 26 mm synthetic Maggard knot
- Razor: Koraat Sparschweinchen (7/8", “Sheffield-style” full hollow, carbon steel)
- Lather: Abbate Y La Mantia Verbena Toscana
- Aftershave: Speick Men Active After Shave Lotion
- Fragrance: Farina 1709
Ok, this is a great combo. Both Verbena Toscana and Farina are very citrus forward, VT with added light vervain, and Farina with some spicy scent I can’t put my finger on. This could easily be an excellent Austere August setup.
Citrus and vervain are a very good combo; there is a French hand soap that has this scent, and I always thought that that should be what Electric sheep should smell like
What’s that hand soap?
I’ve never smelled electric sheep, it’s been described to me as mosquito repellent so many times that I’ve never felt the meed to try it.
It’s Verveine Citron by Le Petit Olivier
I don’t have any bad association with mosquito repellent, and I don’t mind the scent of Electric Sheep. But it lacks the complexity of Verveine Citron.
It’s Verveine Citron by Le Petit Olivier
Added to the shopping cart, thanks for the tip
I don’t have any bad association with mosquito repellent
Me neither, the drops of citronella oil in the clay diffuser before going to bed are deeply engrained childhood summer memories (I grew up in mosquito country). But it’s not something super enticing for me either.
- Razor: Schick E2
- Blade: Personna Injector
- Brush: Wilkinson Sword Badger
- Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre Shave Cream
- Lather: Arko Shavestick
- Aftershave: Barber No3 Marmara
- Additional Care: Alum Block
Another fantastic Friday shave. The last Schick shave for now, next week will be a GEM – unless the postman comes through with a package this weekend.
April 19, 2024
- Brush: Muninn Woodworks w/AP Shave Co 24mm Titanium Synthetic
- Razor: Tatara Muramasa (setting: 3)
- Blade: Gillette Nacet (5)
- Lather: House of Mammoth - Sonder - Soap
- Toner: Thayers - Lemon - Toner
- Aftershave: Fabergé - Brut - Aftershave
2 passes. Bowl lather. Excellent shave.
I am always very impressed with the design of the Muramasa. I like the feel, the weight, and the clever adjustable mechanism.
I felt like it would be nice to end my run of Mammoth soaps with Sonder. A very refreshing shave today!
Friday, April 19, 2024: Tiamat’s revenge
- Preshave: Proraso Green Preshave
- Brush: Semogue C3 Galahad Horse 🐎
- Razor: Star 1912 Type Razor
- Blade: Personna GEM PTFE (2)
- Lather: Abbate y La Mantia Marduk
- Postshave: Naissance 702 Witch Hazel
- Postshave: Pitralon Classic After Shave
- Postshave: Nivea After Shave Balm
Marduk is gone! And its the second soap I kill in the Nobel Otter Hamami tub – which is graphically among my favorite designs (I had corosion issues in the original AYLM tub). For the moment, I have no soap that would be even close to being killable in the near future (apart from maybe Autumn Ash, but that will be for autumn.
Have a good night!
Nicely done!
April 19, 2024
- Brush: AP Shave Co. - 24mm Synbad Fan
- Razor: Gillette Red Tip Super Speed
- Blade: My-Blades (1)
- Lather: Martin de Candre - Fougère - Soap
- Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Varen - Aftershave
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo - Balm
- Fragrance: Spearhead - Seaforth! Heather - EdP
Ah yes, My-Blades. Money laundering, right? Apparently they actually sell blades now. This one was a hand-me-down from a YouTube influencer who got it for the price of shilling them :-). Their website has “Silver” and “Platinum” blades, but there’s no way to know which one this is. Why no “Gold” blades?! Missed opportunity if you ask me.