I know a fair number of Conservatives that believe women and minorities should be excluded from voting. Not in dog whistle form either; just blatantly believe only white men should vote
Which shoudn’t be that surprising, this was the norm in many places until relatively recently. Women, people of color and poor people were never really meant to participate in the “democratic process” (at least as far as conservatives are concerned). The only reason why they were eventually allowed was because they fought for it and eventually, people in power got too scared not to give in a little bit until we are where we are today.
Maybe I’m too pessimistic, but to me, it’s surprising that there aren’t more conservatives with this view. Because the conservatives who support (basic) women’s rights are essentially saying “you violent lefties were right and correct in the past for fighting what you believe was right, but whatever you are doing right now goes too far for some reason”…
One wonders how many of them are landowners.
@braingetter is Caleb Pitts from Podcast About Lists. He’s a comedian and this is 100% irony. He is making fun of people who think like this.
so his comedy consists of saying stupid things he does not mean? this would make sense if people knew him. but nobody does. poor guy.
Unfortunately for the nazis, women often vote more left than men. Hence they want to prevent them from voting to gain power. Classic nazi move.
If you propose some type of intelligence test for voting to these same guys, they immediately back off. It’s only a good rule to them if they automatically qualify. :)
Here’s an easy test:
- Should women be allowed to vote?
- Should anyone in the LQTBQ+ community be allowed to vote?
- Should any person of color (PoC) be allowed to vote?
- Should former convicts be allowed to vote?
If they answer no to any of these, they’re disqualified from voting themselves.
“Braingetter”. If usernames were side quests, this one would remain unachieved indefinitely.
“Garbage Human”. Here you go! +100XP