This anti psych med bullshit is dangerous. Drugs snapped my brain back to baseline normalcy and away from suicide ideation in a few weeks. I didn’t need to take them for long, but it was a switch that needed to be flipped and I couldn’t do it by myself.
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I thought the message of the comic was that we need to change society to better manage our mental health better not that medication was bad. Like we prop up our society on medication to get people to handle it. But I don’t get messages like that clearly so may be wrong.
Yeah I see that, but also maybe it means that the fact you have to be medicated to deal with the system highlights some inherent deficiencies in the system itself?
it’s not explicitly anti med. I’m pretty fundamentally anti med for a few reasons. Primarily just the fact that i believe environmental factors are the most prominent influence on day to day life, i think focusing on those to make yourself more productive, and functional is better than being hamstrung to a bunch of drugs, that might probably work, but they might stop working, or you might not be able to get them, or afford them, or they might have really bad side effects, or health insurance is a bitch, etc…
Interestingly, i’ve seen a lot of rhetoric along these lines (your post included) among people with ADHD, which i understand, but i have to wonder if that’s due to dependence on the meds of some form. Which isn’t exactly the fault of the individual, when paired with society and it’s expectations, it’s almost explicitly what you would expect to see, which is a little weird to me. It gives me vibes i dont quite jive with and im not sure how i feel about it.
So, I struggled massively with ADHD symptoms in my teens and 20s. Despite failing out of school, and struggling in all the classic ways, I was never diagnosed.
My folks “didn’t want the kids on pills” and so despite needing help I was just called lazy and never received any help.
The best way to mitigate the symptoms is with stimulants. I self prescribed caffeine. If I was in a different environment that could have easily been something illegal.
I was never diagnosed and I wish I was, because if I could have focused on classwork in high school, I could have went to college, and I could have started doing work that interests me at the beginning of my 20s instead of the end of my 20s.
You need to examine your shallow attitude about medication. It’s “I don’t like it because other stuff is better”, and a bunch of anxiety around what if what if what if.
What if you deny your child the one tool that actually allows them to reach their potential? You try these “better” options and waste their youth instead of using methods that are proven to be reliable?
But why is this not in the Pawnstars meme-format . . . 😞
I know this is “just a joke” but I still think it’s harmful. Depression may be brought on by being in a bad situation but it isn’t simply unhappiness or dissatisfaction with being in that situation. Antidepressants don’t make a person artificially happy or numb. If you are clinically depressed because your life sucks, antidepressants may give you the mental fortitude needed to change your circumstances. There are drugs that people do use to try to cope which just make things worse, but you won’t get then from a psychiatrist. (You can get the most popular one at the grocery store.)
It’s not cool to stigmatize mental illness.
Thank you for saying something. The saying “suffering isn’t noble, just take the damn pills” has been floating around lately, and I think it’s been changing my mind. I should probably be on something.