Insider look of the AI assistance:
“Here’s a 100 square meter zone of unmolested real estate. Would you like me to generate a press statement for why this is an important and legitimate target?”
That’s strange, I could have sworn they were using a magic 8-ball.
This just underscores that it is not AI we should fear, it is how some choose to use it.
Leaked AI code:
10 if israeli goto 30
20 kill
30 end
AI doesn’t know who is an aid worker, so chooses targets like WCK volunteers in armored vehicles transporting food to starving people.
I don’t understand how Israel can sit there and justify being evil by claiming everyone has ties to Hamas. Like yeah, they’re the terrorist group ruling Gaza, I’m sure everyone knows someone involved with them.
By that logic, since the IDF has been terrorizing Palestine for decades, and since military service is mandatory in Israel, are there no true civilians and only terrorists in Israel too?
Of course that’s silly, but it’s a good way to point out how flawed Israel’s logic is when they always claim casualties in Palestine have ties to Hamas.
Seemingly the AI from Goldeneye 64
AI: All of them.
Israel: OK!
Fuck Israel.