House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and top Republicans have begun to strategize about how to move forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden this fall – the latest sign that the House GOP is seriously laying the groundwork to initiate rare proceedings against the current president.

In recent weeks, McCarthy has privately told Republicans he plans to pursue an impeachment inquiry into Biden and hopes to start the process by the end of September, according to multiple GOP sources familiar with the conversations. While McCarthy has already publicly threatened to launch an inquiry if allegations from IRS whistleblowers hold up or if the Biden administration does not cooperate with requests related to House Republicans’ Hunter Biden probe, sources say that McCarthy has sent even stronger signals about his intentions behind closed doors.

    1441 year ago

    It’s all to distract from the GOP seditionist trials beginning in October. What a bunch of clowns.

      1 year ago

      It’s not all a distraction. The problem that Kevin has right now is that his majority is slim enough that there are two groups that can scuttle it: the centrist Republicans who won enough purple districts to give Republicans the majority, and the Freedom Caucus loonies on the other side who are afraid of a real Jan 6 trial because they will be implicated in it. The latter obviously has more to lose, so they are being extremely disruptive.

      They are pushing hard for weaponizing Congress against Biden, but the moderates know that will doom their chances for reelection so they will not go along with that. That’s why they are talking about just starting an inquiry without a vote: they know they don’t have the votes for it. It is interesting how much of the Republican agenda right now is tied toward doing things without an actual majority behind it, either here or in the Senate. (The reason Merrick Garland never got a vote for SC Justice is that Mitch knew it would pass, so his only option to deny Obama that appointment was to never hold the vote.)

      The loonies are even tying action to the budget, saying they will withhold their votes if they don’t think the House is doing enough against the President. I find it very interesting that Kevin is making the case that the continuing resolution needs to be passed in order for investigations to continue. He knows those investigations are going nowhere, but needs to say they might to keep the loonies on the path.

    1211 year ago

    Yeah but is there any actual evidence of anything? Listen, if Biden is actually a giant corrupt douchebag that broke the law, then nail him to the wall, but unlike the last guy, I haven’t read any ap news articles about all the scandalous shit he did. Just hearsay?

      681 year ago

      I haven’t read any ap news articles about all the scandalous shit he did.

      Your mistake is listening to the “woke” Lamestream Media with its “Standards”, and “Professionalism”.

      You really need to get your news from NewsMax, anything with the words “Patriot” in the title, or the guy who sells pillows. They have all the details on the Biden Crime Family, and their articles feel like they’re the truth to the people who read them, so there’s no need to look anywhere else to validate their stories. Really, don’t look anywhere else. Trust me, bro!

        1 year ago

        Trust me, bro!

        • Famous last words by Kenneth Cheese-Bro before being indicted on racketeering charges
          (circa 2023)
      • StarServal
        141 year ago

        Great tips! Would you also happen to know of any large reverberating spaces to which I can consult with other freedom minded patriots?

        131 year ago

        I couldn’t agree more, so many people waste their time thinking about things instead of instead trusting how they feel about things. That’s why my favorite word is truthiness.

        God I miss Colbert.

        31 year ago

        I had the displeasure of doing some work with news max…fuck that train wreck of scaring old people. I’ll never get my soul back.

  • StarServal
    741 year ago

    They don’t have the numbers or the evidence to impeach Biden on any grounds, so the strategy is to keep talking about it because that’s basically as good as a guilty verdict in the heads of conservatives. Why else would they bring up impeachment if Biden didn’t do anything?

    • TechyDad
      121 year ago

      I’m not convinced that they don’t have the numbers to impeach. All they need to impeach is a majority in the House. Plenty of Republicans are rightfully nervous about an impeachment for fear of a backlash (ala Bill Clinton’s impeachment). That being said, how many of them would fall in line if an impeachment vote were held?

      Of course, their chances of Biden being convicted/removed in the Senate vote are less than the chances of DeSantis suddenly deciding to be an advocate for trans rights. Any impeachment vote will be for show only and those Republicans are right to fear a political backlash.

    • Yep. This is grandstanding and wasting time. Nothing will come of this. I’m wondering who even got to him to set this in motion, because the usual suspects don’t have enough pull to kick things into motion.

      • Flying Squid
        91 year ago

        Remember, Marjorie Taylor Greene got McCarthy into his position. He owes her.

  • Man they keep talking about impeaching Biden, but even if they are successful in both impeachment and conviction (which is nigh impossible in its own right) what will they do next? If the GOP is that unhappy with Biden they’re really gonna shit bricks if Harris is sworn in.

      921 year ago

      They want to impeach Biden so Trumps two impeachments aren’t such a shit-stain. It’s not about Biden, it’s about normalizing their nonsense.

      111 year ago

      They want a president Harris because they’ve already laid the narrative groundwork against her, while she doesn’t really have any kind of record to stand on. I didn’t care for Harris in the primary, because basically the only two things she brought to the primary debates were “As an African American woman…” And “Biden is a fossilized racist”. While both are true, there’s not really a lot of meat there. I don’t dislike her, mind, I just didn’t see anything there that appealed to me, since I’m a policy nerd.

      I’m not a big fan of Biden’s. I’ll still pick him over Trump every day of the week, but he’s not my preference by a long shot. That said, Biden has decades of experience navigating Washington DC, he’s got deep personal connections (and favors owed) on both sides of the isle, he’s a moderate who knows how to talk to both parties, and he knows how to play the game because he was there when it was written. Biden is a competent, albeit middling, statesman. Harris has none of that; she was a pretty aggressive AG in California, she’s relatively young and doesn’t have a ton of experience or connections in Washington, her debate style was loud and aggressive but lacking substance, and the republicans have already been programmed to hate her (though none of them can explain why they hate her). I think the only place I’m not sure of is about her record as VP, but VP isn’t all that powerful of a position in reality; there’s some things they get to do in the legislature, but they’re more of a spare president than anything. In short, the republicans would walk all over a president Harris, and I’m deeply concerned that the Democrats are angling to coronate her in 2028.

        1 year ago

        Obama handed off handling Putin to Biden after meeting him one time.

        So there’s no one on the planet who has more experience dealing with that fascist than who we got at the top. Credit where it’s due, I’m not ridin wit Biden, or any other Democrat, because I too am a policy nerd, and we got two neo-liberal, one one half neo-fuedalist, both corporatocracy at the cost of the average person’s agency and stability.

        Put simply, if propping up the top 10% actively hinders and hurts the rest of America, I consider that a hostile action of a traitor. Welfare, income redistribution, any and all social programs 1. Wouldn’t be necessary if the private market was competent enough, but they choose greed over stewardship 2. I would much, much, i-cannot-stress-how-much, prefer my taxes go towards lifting up my neighbors than policing the globe and militarizing our domestic police force into uber-gestapo. America wins thrice over then: A. Neighbor gets to better place, paid more in taxes. B. I eventually will be surrounded by neighbors not drowning in despair and hopelessness, and the crime that that brings. C. Stimulus to economy.

        Democrats and Republicans are both parties full of traitors, in my eyes. One side just does it reluctantly and then can’t fathom why I think they should hang.

    • TechyDad
      51 year ago

      Around mid-2022 my father wanted to bet me that the new Congress would, on a bipartisan basis, vote to remove Biden and Harris and appoint Trump as President instead. Yes, I said bipartisan. My father was convinced that Democrats would say “let’s get rid of Biden and Harris because it would be much better to have Trump in the Oval Office.”

      The only reason I didn’t take him up on his bet was because I knew he’d either deny making the bet, alter what the bet was after the fact, or claim victory where there was none. (Something like “well, the Democrats ACTUALLY want to replace Biden with Trump, but Biden is stopping them somehow.”)

    391 year ago

    Hey asshole maybe figure out how to run the government instead of bending over for unreasonable shitheads in your party. Your job is to help govern not waste time impeaching a president that could shit himself on stage and still be exponentially better that his predecessor. Why don’t you focus on impeaching Clarence Thomas because of ALL THE FUCKING LAWS HE BLATANTLY BROKE.

      41 year ago

      instead of bending over for unreasonable shitheads in your party.

      Why do you think he’d be inclined to do anything other than bend over for himself?

    341 year ago

    “Republicans have pointed to unverified allegations that Biden profited from his son’s foreign business dealings as grounds for impeachment and have also alleged that there was political interference at the Department of Justice in the ongoing Hunter Biden criminal case – neither of which Republicans have been able to prove, which the White House and Democrats have repeatedly stressed”.

    Typical Republicans just making shit up as they go. Literally have nothing against him, just want to keep their retarded voters chomping at the bit.

    1 year ago

    This shit is exhausting. If you don’t have anything to help the American People in these fucked up clown world times shut the fuck up. If you can’t raise the average dime a laborer makes shut the fuck up. If you can’t bring housing prices down so that people can actually live in them shut the fuck up. In fact, just shut the fuck up anyway cause we all know not a single bone will be thrown our way. I’m voting for Burning It All Down 2024.

      • probablyaCat
        1 year ago

        Honestly the world was a different place with during Clinton’s time. Hell, I think both Georgia and Alabama had democrat governors at the time. I’m half convinced microplastics are as bad as lead and have just fucked our brains up en masse. I’m just hoping if I get dumb enough maybe I can be as happy as my cats.

      21 year ago

      Well in all honesty we have not had a president that was not guilty of something like that since maybe 1979. Which is not to defend republicans. Since they are just as guilty as anyone else about all that if not worse. We just really need to clean up our government and politicians.

      Even Barack Obama who while I was not a really big fan of his overall. Did a pretty decent job. Still had potential war crimes Etc on his record. And about the saddest compliment you could give him in relation to that was he was the best president we’ve had so far this century.

  • Cyrus Draegur
    241 year ago

    this is a tremendous opportunity, let me explain:

    The GOP has a debilitating projection problem.

    Literally everything they ever accuse anyone else of doing, the only reason the concepts were in their head in the first place is because they’ve been doing it all along and the reason they’ve been doing it all along is because they’ve convinced themselves that everyone has been doing it, as a form of justification.

    Whatever this vapid dipshit accuses Biden of, anyone with two brain cells to spare will find loads of GOP morons to charge for it with a truly trivial quantity of investigation.

    the problem is the fucking democrats are cowards and won’t rip the rug out from under the GOP because they NEED the GOP to play “bad cop” to their “good cop” (and as we all know, all cops are bastards including the figurative kind) or else their whole grift collapses around them and they can no longer get away with doing whatever the fuck they want “or else we’ll just let the GOP ruin your life”.

    Maybe we should take justice into their own hands and expose them ourselves.

    181 year ago

    And suddenly you realize two frequently used words you have not heard from republicans over the past month:

    1. Witch
    2. Hunt
  • Rhodin
    171 year ago

    McCarthy’s just saying he’ll impeach to get $$$ out of the Trump voters. He knows it won’t pass congress.

    151 year ago

    Step 1: Call up Zelenski and tell him to open an investigation into Biden, otherwise the arms shipments will stop. Perfectly legal, the senate impeachment vote proved that a couple years ago.

    151 year ago

    They do realize that if there is a Biden impeachment it will fire up the Dem base, and if it somehow succeeded it would mean Kamala becomes president, right?