Anyone here purchasing/collecting retro-inspired controllers like the 8bitdo SFC30, M30, FC30, or inexpensive replicas solely for the purpose of reliving the nostalgic experience of playing retro games on their original consoles?

Surely I ain’t alone right? What other controller brands do you guys like or want to share. Feel free to share your favorite controller brands or any recommendations you have 😁

    2 years ago

    When Retro-bit announced their licensing partnership with Sega, I was really excited. I got their first wave Saturn USB pad, and I now have a Big 6 that combined a 6-button pad with the style of the 3-button Genesis pad. Still waiting for that dual analog variant they promised though…

    It was around the same time I think that Retro Fighters came out with a new original port Dreamcast controller, the Striker. Awesome controller. I got a Raphnet adapter just to use it on pc from time to time.

    Then there’s the arcade stick I custom built for the specific purpose of authentic arcade gaming at home. Uses a Suzo Happ lever (even though they used to be made by Industrias Lorenzo), and Industrias Lorenzo buttons.