During the congressional hearing, Representative Cory Mills grew visibly frustrated as he recounted how China “continues to promise railways like they did between Djibouti and other areas to try and link trade, they promise electrical terminal capabilities with hundred-year leases to try to create these reliances that has weakened America’s ability to be able to compete with them in the non-kinetic [non-military] influence capabilities,” to which Langley robotically admitted, “We know that we can’t keep up with the Belt and Road Initiative of billions of dollars in infrastructure.”
This brings a smile to my face. Based China improving the lives of people.
China is building the world we should have had. The world that could have been so much sooner. Had it not been for the Capitalists and their imperialist dogs.
Wow, who would have thought a country designed around one thing and one thing only, and that being one quarter of profits at a time, is incapable of competing with a country that’s designed around the long-term sustainability of communism and the working class.
with hundred-year leases
This part is giving me pause. Is it true?
Congratulations to Niger!
During the Algerian war of independence, a lot of colonized countries gained their independence, I think we’re seeing something similar here with the Russian SMO and Palestine.
Well eff me, I legit thought they wouldn’t. Taking my imaginary hat off to the brave people of Niger. Excellent stuff!
Chad move
Based; death to the plantation hands
something similar happened in burkina faso a while ago and i found almost zero reliable info about what actually happened and the context for it in a language i can speak.
i will cautiously assume this is a positive thing because it seems to be an anti imperialistic movement?
Ibrahim Traoré is one of the most important leaders of the 21st century and should be an inspiration to any young person who wants to see major radical change and his or her people better than they are.