Life is hard enough as it is. I’m tired. I’m exhausted. Give me hope for a better tomorrow that I honestly can’t see. Gimme Star Trek.

That being said, what do you think is the funniest episode of TNG and the scariest episode? I can’t make up my damn mind on what to watch. I’m starting with Schisms because fuck that holodeck clicking scene.

Also after posting this and taking a look at the home screen, I feel like I’m dangerously close to spamming. If I haven’t already. If it becomes a problem please let me know. Gonna back off a bit today.

    2 years ago

    Apart from my YouTube searches in the last day, Netflix was where I watched it more recently yes.

    I’ve done some Googling for quotes, and it looks like Locutus does refer to Riker as “Number One” a few times in Part 2:

    “A futile manuever. Incorrect strategy, Number One, to risk your crew and ship to retrieve only one man. Picard would never have approved.”

    “Preparation is irrelevant. Your people will be assimilated as easily as Picard has been. Your attempt at delay will not be successful, Number One.”

    But I too remember Locutus giving his whole speech about how their lives as they had been were over, then closing with “Resistance is futile… Number One”. Gives me chills to this day, but apparently it didn’t happen.