They’re making me so dopey. I found an article about how AP cause a reduction in brain matter, so now I am determined to get off the AP.
I tried coming off them recently, and almost immediately stopped sleeping. So I’m going to try phenergan to help with sleep.
I don’t really know why I’m typing this. I just wanted to get it off my chest.
Thanks for reading :)
I can only imagine what it’s like to be on meds that affect your quality of life negatively both on and off the medication. I hope you consult your doctor before making drastic changes. Perhaps there is a dosage which provides a middle ground.
Losing brain matter sounds scary at face value, but perhaps a doctor could explain whether it applies in every case and whether it is actually a big deal.
Full disclosure, I lost a cousin to paranoid schizophrenia after he moved away and got off his meds, so I am biased.
Probably goes without saying, but talk to your doctor about it before going off any medication
And if your doctor won’t have an honest, nuanced conversation about your needs, find a new doctor.
Yes, my doctor knows I want to get off the antipsychotic. We’re just at an impasse because i can’t sleep without it. So we don’t know what to do.
I take olanzapine mostly for sleep. Plus it makes me depressed as fuck taking it.
it’s pretty rough to get off of antipsychotics and SSRIs. there’s usually this 2-3 week period of adjustment where you don’t sleep well, the depression kicks in pretty hard, and sometimes you even feel sick/nauseous for most of that period. obviously everyone is different, but I hated how AP and SSRIs made me feel so stopped them completely even though it sucked to do. whatever you do just be careful, it’s easy for the lows to feel much worse at times when coming off them
I don’t know much about meds so did you try taking a little less AP each time or did you completely stop or did you try a different way of getting off AP?
I’m on the lowest dose they make. Could probably try cutting them in half or what have you
I’m on them as well and would also like to go off. I have gone off before and the withdrawals are awful. The physical withdrawals were insomnia and hot flashes. The mental withdrawals were the worst though. High levels of irritation/frustration/anger that were almost impossible to control. Paranoia.
If I go off again I plan to do it with the help of my doctor. Maybe they can prescribe me something to help with the withdrawals and a safe med to switch to.
Maybe get your niacin level checked? If you are low in niacin your body will use tryptophan to make it. And tryptophan is also used to make serotonin. So low niacin could mean low tryptophan which could mean low serotonin which could mean low melatonin. I’m not on APs, I spend time in nootropics communities. So definitely check with your doctor. Might also look in to n-acetyl-cysteine, however I’d put more stock in the niacin angle.
Hi, before doing so please seek inform of your healthcare provider they will be able to help you create a comprehensive plan to change or adjust your medications**. Please know I am not a doctor** however you may want to consider these questions:
How long have you been taking antipsychotics? If you have been taking them for a long time, it may be necessary to taper off them slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
What are your symptoms? If your symptoms are well-controlled, you may be able to taper off the medication more quickly. However, if your symptoms are not well-controlled, you may need to stay on the medication for a longer period of time.
What are your goals? Are you hoping to get off antipsychotics altogether, or are you hoping to reduce your dosage? Your doctor can help you to set realistic goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Just remember to contact your healthcare physician before making any changes to your medication. They can help you to determine if getting off antipsychotics is right for you and can develop a safe and effective plan for tapering off the medication.