Returned keys to rental that I shared with shithead today! Ordeal over.
crack a drink, sit down and really feel this moment. Appreciate it for what it is.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, baby Gibson on the day we met:
Awwww. Such a cutie!
he is the sweetest thing 🥰
So cute. I wish I had my puddins kitten pictures
Very proud Dad moment: My kid’s daycare has a little kiddy pool with colour ball pit balls in them. I’ve been so excited for him to be old enough to go in it. After 6-ish months proud to report he is. And he was DELIGHTED, the excitement on his face was unreal. So happy for him.
It’s the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to him
Aww! Beautiful day for it too.
Slept in, yet somehow feel like I barely slept.
Adulthood is bullshit I used to sleep 6 hours a night and wake up feeling refreshed
I remember I used to go to bed after being extremely drunk/high and get up to go to work the next day with no issue.
Those days are loooong gone now.
It’s now been 64 days since the Montague St bridge was fed. This is now way overdue. Just commenting.
Been sharing the treats with the Napier St Bridge lately - that got one last week
Power was out for 7 days - ausnet can’t even get their website working to put in a claim. Some people still have their power out, running a generator costs a fortune (despite having it off overnight)
Shit they still haven’t fixed it?
Black cockies just swept through. She had her eye on me!
Sleep? What is that?
Just the weather to be waiting around for my every 10 min bus that has now been 4 times that late…
Home. Crispy. Past me stocked the freezer well.
<taps mic> Its new NOTEBOOK day folks! Full of potential and wonder - will this be the journal that gets me organised? Will it be neat (no, it won’t)? Will i actually use the index at the front ?
I don’t know. But it’s a pretty green.
Ohmagod ohmagod ohmagod 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Welcome to the world new stationery
Did you go blank, ruled, or dot matrix?
For a moment I thought you meant a new laptop lol
Dot grid. I like blank best but dots are good when I need to draw and I do draw / doodle a lot.
Hah oh yeah notebook/laptop. That would be exciting
Great move. I follow a couple of comic book writers and they all go the dot matrix as well.
I can’t draw but I still go the dots on their advice as well
Done my errands, been for a swim, found Watership Down (the 1970s movie) on Netflix…productive day
I remember watching Watership Down as a kid. I am still not ok … briiight eyes…burning like fire… 😭
I still cannot listen to that song without bawling
Shit sleep. Shit mood.
Have an interview (on line) today, so hoping I can mask my negativity for 45 minutes
I have a meeting this arvo for one of those initiatives that is really busywork to make the higher-ups look good. Will be actively working on not rolling my eyes.
Good luck with your interview!
Thanks friend!! I think it went okay, but some of the questions seemed like they were tailored to someone else. I may have been the 3rd or 4th candidate to make up numbers as they had a preferred one already. Still a good experience thought.
I’ll happily roll my eyes here on your behalf. I’m involved in a fair few of such initiatives myself, and cringe is an understatement.
Have an interview (on line) today, so hoping I can mask my negativity for 45 minutes
Had one this morning and it did the job, I think
Someone one the cptsd meme sub said this
It’s like “which layer of trauma are you talking about?” and then my whole life story comes apart like an onion
And I have never related to a sentence so hard
I feel like lately it’s been hotter than it ever got through the middle of summer. I don’t like it. Feeling for the people who don’t have power
Sleeping when it’s hot is so uncomfortable, feel sorry for those without aircon. But I’m the opposite, I think we’ve actually had a fairly moderate Summer overall. I remember the drought years when it was normal to get a run of 35+ for a few days in a row, and at least several 40+ days through Jan and Feb. This year we have had none.
I meant now is hotter than it ever got through the middle of this particular summer! You’re right, it has definitely been milder than past ones which might be why I’m really feeling it now. I’ve been pretty grateful not to have had those days of heatwaves.
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spicy roast chicken is in oven, will do some spicy taters too
I’ve just put a half rack of USA bbq pork ribs in the oven. In 2 hours it’s going to be fall-off-the-bone succulent rib time!
I luv ribs but husband doesn’t like them so I don’t do them
How do you do yours?
You are both mad. Ovens?!
It’s my first time! I bought them pre-marinaded from the market so all I’ve done is whack them on some baking paper in a baking pan, covered it with foil and put it in the oven @ 145 degrees for 2 hours. Almost an hour in and my apartment is starting to smell pretty nice.
May I recommend bourbon & cola next time? It’s delicious and proves the point about highway patrol cleaning road accidents with coke.