I see the word “araffe” pop up a lot when it comes to AI image generation or AI generated image descriptions. What is the context, where does it come from?
I see the word “araffe” pop up a lot when it comes to AI image generation or AI generated image descriptions. What is the context, where does it come from?
Good question. Remains completely ambiguous to me. I’ve tried googling, but despite a good amount of images turning up, not even Google seems to know the answer. I’d say it’s a placeholder name for mythical creature. Or a specific feature in something like a LoRa. But since results from all kinds of models turn up, that’s probably not it. And I also can’t back up the first idea with any facts…
Edit: Found that: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/21/8757 (but the term has been used sell before September 2023)
huggingface.co/datasets/gkiwi/sd-prompt/ also uses the word a lot. And the word “arafed”! Maybe araffe is a mis(?)spelling of that?
https://piratediffusion.com/what-does-arafed-mean-in-stable-diffusion-showprompt-and-the-describe-command/ (explanation, but offers no sources to back it up)