That’s, so interesting.
Image transcription: In the English language, you can use a comma, anywhere, in a sentence, and it, will still be, grammatically, correct,.
(Originally published a few hours ago on mstdn)
Well, said, Captain,
Kirk.i was just imagining you being super breathless while writing that.
and a semicolon is a status symbol, once used only by royalty.
Don’t forget, William Shatner sang songs with lots of commas. Here is one of many.
it’s more or less the same in Neolatin languages.
In German, the sentence would be really messed up.Actually there are 8 basic rules to coma use.
Also known as the Walken Pause.
Well, said, Captain,
Kirk.Let’s eat Alice. By Calvin Trillin.
Yeah, clearly, no wonder how I learned writing English in braille without being told about the semis