Another mild day in marvellous Melbourne.🙂
Some sad news about Guide Pup.
A vet check up today reveals an overbite that isn’t correcting itself. He’s a basically healthy puppy and will make a wonderful dog for someone…but he can’t continue guide dog training. We have to give him back to them so he can be discharged.
I’m weirdly sad for him.
Guide pup has a genetic trait that limits his lifestyle.
I’m weirdly sad for him.
Sounds on point for what you’ve shared of your own life.
ps, thanks for your sharing btw.
I’m weirdly sad for him.
Dont be. Like you said, hes gonna make a wonderful dog for someone. Basically he’s gonna be living his best life just without having to do any work. Sounds like we should all be so lucky!
I know. He just gets visibly excited when you put his little working vest on him (puppies have mini training vests) and it’s a bit…strange to think of him not doing what he’s born for
He’s a lovely even tempered little guy. He’ll be fine. I know
No stress, no responsibilities. Just sleep, eat, zoom and meow.
And lick own genitals. The best part.
And show people your fancy butthole. Or is that just my cats?
Not just you, I often get woken up with the butt lol
Please define fancy vs not fancy butt hole
Fancy butthole is usually credited to this one. And it is very fancy and he is very proud to show it to you at every possible opportunity.
such a beautiful kitty
Even the vet commented on her coat. She looks like a little tiger lol
I porbably shouldn’t be this drunk on a Thursday midday but here we are. 78 degrees gin, ehh, not that great, wouldn’t get it again.
Did a personal best walk/run last night (just over 5km) and followed up with a 4km walk/run this morning. My knees are totally shot, but tomorrow is a rest day, though I may walk to work since it’s around 2km.
Anyone following little blurt yesterday about being headhunted for a new role that might only be one day week. I met with my former CEO today and we had a great catch up. The role is basically a consultancy at the moment, but the brand has some real traction to coming which means the consultancy will most likely lead to a proper role in the near future. The brand has a big emphasis on social impact and I think talking to my old CEO about it had awakened some long dead passion in me. I haven’t felt this energised in a very long time. I told my CEO how my current employer would be a hinderance to working for him and he’s agreed to try and work something out. However I’m of the mind set that I’m going to start looking for a job, probably part-time that is going to allow me to work as much as I can for this new gig and say good bye to my current toxic one.
good luck 🤞🤞🤞
so last night I had to replace the washers in the shower. Finally gave up the ghost and would not stop pissing water.
Of course the tap head would not come off spindle A. I tried, hubs tried, then I cracked the shits and stopped negotiating. Bloody thing sheared off. So now off to bunnings we go because now we also need new spindles and tap heads.
new spindles yaay go to put the flange on and…the feckin’ breech is too far into the wall for there to be enough spindle screw to screw the flange onto. Another bolt up to bunnings at 8:30 to get a spindle extender (out of stock you motherfuckers you said they were in stock) or at least maybe a hammer arrestor that could bump it up (none in the correct size) fuckit, lets get some spring loaded flanges so we can turn the feckin’ water back on (and His Lordship can morning shower).
checked for leaks, small leak, taped and redone, checked for leaks, checked for leaks, checked for leaks checked for leaks all good no leaks, checked for leaks used taps obsessively, checked for leaks and now I have a new fixation of paranoia with water behind the wall mother fucker.
presses ear to wall and listens for phantom drips I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily – how calmly I can tell you the whole story!
Ah, phantom drip paranoia, I know it well. Even after our leaking roof was fixed, every time it rained I would ‘hear’ drips coming in and go searching for the location. It wore off over time, fortunately
I just a big nap and I had this dream where I tried really hard to grab a pear off a tree and a bat somehow flapped its way under my shirt and jumper and by the time I ripped my clothes off I managed to decapitate it. So I called my childhood doctor and it was $300 for a consultation so instead I called my local doctor. Then I woke up. The weird thing is I don’t even eat pears.
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Same, I got into running then COVID hit and I did the lockdown and eat thing, putting on about 20kgs which somehow snuck up on me… I’m 6’5" so it’s not as obvious unless I weigh myself. I’ve been running three times a week since September last year, had a few injuries and breaks, but keep managing to drag myself out of bed. The change this time has been running with the doggo, he’s expecting it now, so he helps me up in the mornings when I don’t wanna. Whether it’s running, swimming, biking, weights, don’t worry too much about weightloss, but more about heart health and overall body health. An entry level Garmin has great stats that help with this motivation, at least for me. Keep at it hey. It’s worth it.
Its not about the destination, its about the journey. If you could snap your fingers and suddenly bit fit AF sure you might do it, but you couldn’t be proud of the results.
I was in the same position, shoulder injury on my end. I understand how you feel, but it doesn’t take too long before you start to get into the groove again.
So Lent is coming up next week. Basically people from around the world particularly Catholics fast or semi fast for 40 days up to Good Friday. Some people can’t do this so they give up something else. They may just ease up on indulgences.
Now I’m not religious but I do use Lent as a gateway to reassess my diet. Usually I give up sugar and this year I’ll be doing the same. No desserts. No sugary drinks. My body loves it the older I get. It’s a personal challenge.
So if you would like to join me in giving something up or perhaps include something like a 5km run every day then it starts next Wednesday 14th of February. A day after Shrove Tuesday (pancake Tuesday).
And remember if you fall off the wagon, it’s OK, you jump back on the next day.
Edit: it’s actually 47 days upto Easter Sunday but I only go upto Good Friday because I spend that day with family eating hot cross buns.
You’ve convinced me. I’ll give up running 5k every day for lent.
Also I want to note that as I was reading the words “Usually I give up sugar and this year I’ll be doing the same.” I was biting into a cinnamon donut from the bakery next to Buddy’s (I got a sausage roll for lunch).
Mine was a lemon tart. Was delicious 😋
Haha. I gave up running along time ago.
I think about those sausage rolls daily. They have made me some what human on many a Saturday arvos. You gotta try the pies next.
I had their steak and curry pie yesterday! It was very good.
I’ll be doing it.
Cool! 👍
Got remote desktop working on the old laptop. Once I can figure out how to get network drives to work between Linux and Windows I’ll have a neat little torrent setup
Windows sharing to linux or linux sharing to windows?
Edit: also which version of windows 'cos smb had a supported version shift
If they’re using smb1 they should probably just unplug the device and place it neatly inside the nearest bin anyway. Customers clinging to smb1 was the bane of my existence back in my support role.
You’re gonna scream, but I still have an XP machine that’s running.
It’s firewalled to feck and hasn’t believed in the existence of the internet since 2010 ish? but it’s still verrry much running.
SOMETHING CRAWLED ON MY LEG!! This sort of thing does not happen in my apartment!
I’ve sprayed the entire area and sent the dog away while I manually fumigate.
How do you eat a bull? One bite at a time.
Second mix up with clients and time this week - currently waiting for a client who thought I was coming at two instead of 12:30, so I’m sitting waiting until she gets home - hopefully in about 20 minutes.
At least it’s warm and sunny.The furbaby is snuggling and warming her beans on me
I’m so tired but can’t sleep because I napped *yesterday. Just watching art stuff so be entertained while resting the body
hugs, hope you get some sleep
I have 2 tickets to the 8:30 IMAX showing of Titanic 3D tonight, message me on here with your phone number or email or something and they’re yours! Mrs has come down with a bad case of boat-itis and is no longer in the mood for boat movies or something.
Edit: taken!
Nausea just not going away. What is this. What do I need to do to flush it out of my system??
I don’t know if that’s what’s also causing me to feel really low, I got some really nice emails today (not a job offer but possible projects later in the year) and I feel nothing, like I’m just going through the motions. The meds give me enough motivation to keep myself watered and fed but not much else.
Ginger tea? I cut up / grate raw ginger and add water and just sip on it.
Honey on toast for a little energy burst. and don’t get too worried - nothing saps your motivation like nauseaI normally don’t enjoy ginger tea or have raw ginger hanging around at home. But as it happens, I have some right now, I’ll give it a go, whatever might work… It’s not like other times where I’ve had heartburn and burping and taken some antacids, or when I’ve had stomach pains, this is just nausea. Big week next week and I can’t afford to spend more days feeling so low. Thank you for the reassurance, I just feel like this is speed running me towards depression again and I’ve worked hard to get myself out of it recently
Oh yeah I get that. The ‘do I need to rest or is this depression starting’ is the worst. But unless you can trace the nausea to anxiety then there’s something wrong with your tummy and rest is good. Just try to get sun and eat as regularly as possible but chill.
Hm, I feel like there could be a hereto unacknowledged psychogenic component of it too. But yeah, worrying about it won’t help either. I’ll try and go for the ol’ reset in the morning - pretend like the day before didn’t exist. I really appreciate that you get what it’s like, thank you for the reassurance :D
I’m not usually one for alternative: there is a spot right in the middle of your wrist and about an inch down from your natural bend. Get some sort of bead/round button and strap it tight. Will help travel sickness, possibly other nausea things.
Very curious. I’ll have to try this in the morning, gotta be up and about for a bit and that’s when I feel most queasy…
Sometimes a few extra strong peppermints eaten slowly help me. A warm shower sometimes helps too for some reason.
If it’s severe and not going away maybe ask the GP for some Ondansetron
It’s kind of weird, not severe enough to feel like right, I’m doubled over and incapable, but enough to feel totally out of whack most of the time.
I’ll try some meds if I’m really not improving soon, although I’m tempted to go for Ondansetron only because that’s one of those pharma names that has stuck in my brain for years because I like the sound of it heh.
I get you. It is really hard to function through nausea
Internet dumpling soup
Soup… gurgly soup…
This sounds a bit like it might be accumulated stress rebound finally kicking in after the shitshow of your last job. Coupled with uncertainty about the future. The going through the motions feeling says to me that you aren’t ready yet to challenge yourself too far. Take symptomatic relief for nausea (ginger is traditional and usually pretty effective) and distract yourself if you feel able to. Maybe plan a weekend (or a couple of weekdays) away by yourself in a pretty part of the country where you can enjoy some guilt free relaxation. Now that the school horrordays are over, prices drop and availability goes up and the weather is still nice. Somewhere like Hepburn Springs or Castlemaine or similar maybe. Here’s hoping you feel recharged very soon.
Ah, I could give you a hug for this comment TW. I think perhaps you have dislodged something I wasn’t willing to admit to. It might be a coincidence that I started feeling abruptly unwell on Sunday, the day after I submitted my only job application so far, one I’d sat on doing for two weeks because I honestly felt like I was trying to be someone I wasn’t in order to do something I didn’t really want… the old work mask has faded off fully and I don’t feel like enough of a person yet to be back in the world, or at least that world…
I feel like I’ve already spent enough time relaxing/recovering, but I get the sense it’s no longer the type I need. Have overseas visitors all of next week but after that I must book in some external time out instead of allowing myself to be digested by my own juices. Maybe the high country. Thank you for the sage advice as always.
Covid? Heard it’s a symptom
You know, I’m actually wondering whether it was some very weird version of that, because thr first day I had such an awful headache and that was my main symptom the one time I did get the rona. That cleared off after a day this time so I thought maybe not, but it is such a funny disease… The only other related symptom I have had so far was a small accumulation of thick, dry mucus at the back of my throat yesterday. I might seriously consider this. Maybe it’s a post infection thing