After months of bickering Congress remains completely unable to agree on any legislation on border security or aid to Israel and Ukraine — all priorities that a majority of lawmakers agree are needed.

    295 months ago

    Frankly, it’s not Congress - it’s the House Republicans. They got what they said they wanted. They didn’t have a plan for if they got what they said they wanted. But they don’t want to “give Biden a win”, so they’re going to throw away the deal that gives them what they said they wanted. That’s gonna play real fuckin bad with their base come November.

      135 months ago

      The republicans that I know don’t give a shit. They don’t pay any attention to what their politicians do, and they don’t want to hear about it, either. If they do somehow learn that republicans aren’t supporting the very thing they asked for, all it’ll take to convince them that’s a good thing is someone on fox news saying it somehow wasn’t really going to do what they wanted, and they’ll accept it without any further elaboration. It doesn’t matter if it’s a lie - they’ll never know or care.

        5 months ago

        I get different answers.

        “It’s too late now”.
        “They’re (Dems) are just trying to save face.”.
        “That bill is so packed with other things… You can’t trust it.”.

        They will just always give their party the benefit of the doubt.

        85 months ago

        Even if the base were swayed by this (they aren’t), they will literally never hear about this. They live in a completely different reality. Right wing media has totally insulated these people from the real world.

        And even if you could somehow break the magical Hogwarts spell that is right wing media, the idea that someone would change their position based on new information is inherently bad to conservatives.

      55 months ago

      They got what they said they wanted. They didn’t have a plan for if they got what they said they wanted.

      Which is odd. They’re dealing with Democrats here, so they should have anticipated total capitulation.

      45 months ago

      The GOP base won’t hear, or if they do, they’ll hear a spin.

      I’m disgusted having to vote strait D when those cowards won’t fight back. This situation should be all over broadcast TV and radio. The Democrats should flood social media with this.

      15 months ago

      Every Republican I know thinks it’s the Democrats fault because they think they tried to make a bunch of concessions.

    205 months ago

    Any time a Republican complains about anything from now on, it’s their own fault. Simple.

    Joe Biden is your next president.

      5 months ago

      Anytime a Republican complains about something, they are deflecting something else. They are not “good actors”, they do not argue genuinely, they do not want what they say they want and they will not say what they actually want.

    5 months ago

    the republican congress is causing all of this chaos, but because their republican congressperson isn’t the one making this mess they will be reelected back to congress.

    I was once told to never blame the voters, blame the elected people. yeah, no fuck that. I absolutely blame the degenerate regressive voters who intentionally put chaos agents in power. when uvalde in the aftermath of the robb elementary shooting where

    • elementary school kids died
    • the shooter was barely 18 with multiple assault weapons legally obtained
    • the local police stood outside for hours after the shooting started doing nothing

    still overwhelmingly votes for abbott, blame the voters because the voters are the problem.

      -145 months ago

      Billions of dollars for other countries isn’t giving me warm fuzzies about any Democrats either. I get the Republicans aren’t blocking it for my benefit but I’m so sick of the bottomless pit of money available for everything but the shit I want to see it go towards like affordable healthcare and housing.

        75 months ago

        Immigration is the only issue the Republicans would even NEGOTIATE on. Specifically because they thought they would never have a real deal. Democrats have proposed plans and have tons of discourse on affordable healthcare and housing. They’ve proposed expansions to Medicaid/care. They’ve proposed a public option. They’ve proposed expanding housing programs. They’ve proposed banning headge funds from buying single family property. The list goes on. The Republicans have blocked it all from even being discussed. Republicans won’t even CONSIDER looking at that stuff.

        The second the Democrats have the actual procedural ability to pass legislation, I will jump down their throat and demand some of the most progressive legislation there is. Until then, I think we should focus on putting them in the position to do so while picking off conservative Democrats at the primary level. If we can maintain control and erase a couple Sinema/Manchins every cycle I think we can get a lot of the stuff the American people (and the world frankly) deserve.

          -15 months ago

          Buddy, 44 Democrat senators and Joe Biden blocked the rail workers. Their contract expires at the end of this year meaning they could strike next year. Democrats and Biden fully intend on blocking them again.

          The Democrat party isn’t a progressive or leftist party and they refuse to compromise with either.

            5 months ago

            I don’t remember calling the Democratic party leftist or progressive. I said we need to make it more progressive by primarying those members that block progressive policy, and put the party in a legislative position to enact said policy. This means removing Republicans at absolutely every possible position.

            If you have a better idea I’m all ears but I’m not really interested in hearing about how much the Democrats suck when the Republican party is a literal domestic terror cell. There are good progressive people within the Democrats party. A shit load of them. Just because they aren’t currently in control doesn’t mean the party is a waste of time and it doesn’t mean we can’t take control. Defeatism and refusal to look at this shit strategically is exactly why progressives don’t have enough power.

            We can take the quick path, let the GOP destroy everything and rebuild from the ashes OR we can put in the work and grind out a better life for everyone over a generation. You can’t have both. If someone wants to let the GOP sacrifice all the people it will sacrifice in order to have that first option, they are welcome to join the GOP. They have no business being a progressive.

            Eta: how did the rail strike end up working out? They continued working behind the scenes and got them a lot of what they wanted? Oh yeah that’s right. So the result was a pay increase they asked for, a good portion the sick days they asked for, and our economy didn’t get smashed. All while the GOP opposed literally ANYTHING to help. Sure, the Democrats are the enemy here. of the largest freight,into additional paid sick time.

              -15 months ago

              a good portion the sick days they asked for,

              Expand on that please. There are 12 rail unions. What is the minimum number of sick days every member of each union has?

              Honestly I think you’re larping as a progressive. Like I’m not telling you not to call yourself that but defending a president for blocking a strike and not calling out anyone who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries as a selfish piece of shit is indistinguishable to me from typical moderates. Lip service has done nothing for us.

                15 months ago

                Yeah larping as a progressive while going up and down Lemmy talking about ways to move progressive causes forward. Definitely a moderate here. What I have a problem with is progressives who feel the need to kneecap the cause by focusing on shit talking the Democratic party nonstop (completely ignoring every solution that doesn’t involve the expansion of mass death and poverty by electing conservatives) and killing everyone’s motivation to fucking fight.

                Tell me what solution you are offering. I have laid out a specific electoral strategy for progressives to gain control and actually enact progressive legislation. What’s your solution? Fight both parties simultaneously and lose? That’s exactly what we’ve been doing.

                There’s even a perfect real world example: look at the GOP. Right wing elements have spent 40+ years grinding moderates out of their party and actually enacting policy. The Tea Party/MAGA/Nutjobs didn’t just get control over a couple election cycles, it took DECADES. Now they have complete control of the party and have the power to make the crazy shit they want the party platform.

                Yes my personal feelings would prefer that the stroke happened and we shut everything down until the assholes in charge got the message. I am never in favor of blocking a work action and would prefer every single workplace be unionized/worker owned. My exact position was “nationalize it all”. But if I need to make a strategic concession to put myself in the position to make significantly more progress in the future, I don’t think that’s an unreasonable position. If you do, maybe you don’t care about progressive causes as much as you think and would rather feel good about yourself over helping people.

                I think I’m good here. Hope you have a good day and that anyone who reads this conversation really considers what I’ve said.

                  5 months ago

                  I have laid out a specific electoral strategy for progressives to gain control and actually enact progressive legislation.

                  That’s the same plan that’s been in place for decades. The needle hasn’t moved. Biden is to the right of Clinton. And you refuse to consider any alternative that comes with a hint of risk.

                  I say again, your lip service has done nothing. You have accomplished nothing. You will continue to accomplish nothing. And worst of all, you’re fighting those of us who could actually make some changes.

  • RubberDuck
    155 months ago

    The only persons opinion that really matters is that of the chair. As long as he does not put a bill on the floor any discussion is useless.

    Have him put it to a vote and see.

    35 months ago

    I know the rules essentially state no editorializing the post titles, but in situations like this it should be amended to change the title from “Congress devolves into chaos…” to “REPUBLICANS devolves into chaos…”. it’s the republican’s show in the house. the democrats don’t have much of anything to do with house business.

    headlines like this perpetuate the both sides bullshit nonsense that ruining political discussion and has put democracy at risk.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    25 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A bipartisan Senate package that paired border security measures with assistance to Israel and Ukraine appeared all but dead Tuesday, after Republicans backed away from the deal amid growing criticism from the right.

    The bill in question was specifically crafted to meet GOP demands that Democrats link border policy changes to President Biden’s request for military aid to Israel and Ukraine.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he plans to move forward with a procedural vote to begin debate Wednesday or Thursday, in response to Republican requests for more time to consider the bill.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said Tuesday morning that “Republicans simply cannot vote for the bill in good conscience,” arguing that it does not do enough to secure the border, and that Biden already has legal authority to address the surge of migrants that he is not using.

    Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was forced to remove $3oo million of aid to Ukraine from a larger defense bill in the fall in order to win over a handful of GOP holdouts.

    Several House GOP members expressed doubt about impeachment, leaving leaders hours to try to rally support in order to avoid an embarrassing vote planned for Tuesday evening.

    The original article contains 995 words, the summary contains 202 words. Saved 80%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    -195 months ago

    Forgot to mention the bit where it still allows illegal immigrants in, and bypasses the asylum courts so theyll give everyone asylum.

    • IHeartBadCode
      105 months ago

      I don’t think you’ve read the relevant text. 8 U.S.C. 1221 is amended as such, with reguards to Section 240

      The asylum officer or immigration officer may refer or place an alien into removal proceedings under section 240 by issuing a notice to appear for the purpose of initiating such proceedings if either such officer determines that

      (i) such proceedings are required in order to permit the alien to seek an immigration benefit for which the alien is legally entitled to apply

      The bypassing puts them on a default to expel path if expedited determination fails. That is their petition is by default invalid until proven valid, which is the opposite of the courts’ standing. This is borderline a violation of due process really.

      You’re right in that they can bypass the courts with this, but it’s hardly “give everyone asylum”. It is in fact quite the opposite, deny everyone asylum without due process in the courts to make a case.