The floppy disk refused to die in Japan - laws that forced the continued use of floppies have finally hit the chopping block::Floppy disks can finally make their way to the land of eternal slumber. Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has abolished any requirement for applicants to use this ancient magnetic media when filing official documents.
Can we please do this with fax machines in the US? They are insecure, slow, expensive, and prone to failure. Yet, they are used regularly to transmit my personal information.
You’re not gonna believe it, but a large portion, if not all, of those fax machines simply use email on the backend. I’m not joking. You fax something to a phone number and it actually gets sent via email to the other end. Or, alternatively, companies will literally require faxing between each other and it’s literally just all email.
Chance that they use a service to send a PDF as fax, and the recipients also use a service to receive fax as pdf attachments sent to their email address.
Hey can you send me a hard copy of that pdf file?
Sure, here’s 2000 floppy disks
In the future, are we going to run into this same issue with USB-C in Europe?
Cool disks indeed.
Back when the OG transparent blue iMac came out, inspired a wave of matching peripherals, then everything in the computer store became transparent colored plastic for a decade.
Ironically, even floppy disks, which the iMac famously lacked.
I still have my semi transparent light blue Zip drive.