"Initial results show promising neuron spike detection," Musk added. Reuters reported earlier this month that Neuralink was fined for violating U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules regarding the movement of hazardous materials.
Didn’t the animal tests lead to pretty bad deaths? And wasn’t that less than a year ago? I can’t imagine this going well.
Plus there was the blind-tech that was revealed not too long ago where now that they’re bankrupt the group is slowly going blind and worse. I feel like none of this is going to end well.
Didn’t the animal tests lead to pretty bad deaths? And wasn’t that less than a year ago? I can’t imagine this going well.
Plus there was the blind-tech that was revealed not too long ago where now that they’re bankrupt the group is slowly going blind and worse. I feel like none of this is going to end well.