"Initial results show promising neuron spike detection," Musk added. Reuters reported earlier this month that Neuralink was fined for violating U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules regarding the movement of hazardous materials.
Probably get a unit w/o having it implanted, modify it, then get it installed unofficially. (Don’t ask who or where, because that won’t be shared publicly, as it will almost certainly be illegal).
What happens if your brain implant is like a phone, and stops getting updates after 2 or so years? That’d suck really bad.
Then I’m jailbreaking my brain implant and installing Linux on it
The bootloaders gonna be locked.
It can only stay locked for so long
Careful not to brick your brain implant.
You gonna open up your brain to flash the ROM?
Probably get a unit w/o having it implanted, modify it, then get it installed unofficially. (Don’t ask who or where, because that won’t be shared publicly, as it will almost certainly be illegal).