Water is so far above everything else that EVERY SINGLE SODA is forced to add around 80% water.
This comment was made by the water gang.
I actually think water percentage would be in the high 90s. 80% water sounds like it would be more like syrup consistency.
Google tells me 90-95% water, and 98% or more for diet
You tell 'em, brother!
This comment is sponsored by the water gang.
Do we have a
waternihydrohomies lemmyEdit: found it
Water is very dangerous because 100% people that tried it, died
Yep but I am addicted to it
If I go more than a few days without it, I will literally die.
Not only that, but 100% of murder victims were found to have infested it within a week of their death
Actually about 7% of those that have tried it are still alive and well! 😀 (Our current global population represents about 7% of all humans that have ever lived)
Water is very dangerous because 100% people that have had it will die.
100% of people who don’t also die
As long as coffee and tea are A tier, we’re good.
I mean, you didn’t include anything like tea, so it’s kinda just easy. Fizzy, calorie-pumped, nutritionless, cheap-dopamine-providing, overpriced and overpackaged water is pretty low hanging fruit.
Uh, guys? I think HydroHomies is… well… leaking
You’re forgetting the fluid that nobody doesn’t love!
That woman shouldn’t be alive. What is that barrel made of? So many questions…
DAE drink water? Smash that like button
I don’t disagree that water is king. But putting coke and pepsi in the same tier must be some kind of crime.
I agree, coke should be lower.
And forever more shall our families fued. On my blood do I swear undying enmity towards the PepsiApologist, Kiwi_Girl.
O Holy One, Pepsiman, who blesses our teeth with holes shaped in your great symbol’s image.
Grant us the strength to drive these CokeCrusaders from our lands, led by the dastardly KredeSeraf.
May our rivers once again flow ripe with the chemical by-products of your majestic factories.
Dulcis. Immutabilis. Pepsi.
Dulcis. Immutabilis. *Bepis
Drinking water gives me acid reflux, always has. Which is weird because fanta is a lot more acidic and doesn’t do that.
There’s common misconseption that higher acid in your stomach causes acid reflux, however it is actually the oposite. There’s sphincter in your esophagus which contracts when there’s enough acidity and opens when there’s lack of. So when you are having bad reflux, try increasing your stomach acid by either chewing gum, eating sour or eating something bitter. Avoid drinking large amount of water after heavy meals, since you are diluting acid. Also less smoking and drinking helps (quitting smoking really helped for me. Those over the counter tablets containing carbonate salts actually make it even worse, since they neutralize stomach acid, when you want to increase it. Protein pump inhibitors, such as ranitidine block production of stomach acid completely, however it really messes up with your protein intake. Common pain killers, such as ibuprofen, aspirin mess with yiur stomach too
Does it burn? If I drink cold water, I tend to get esophageal spasms. My heart to my jaw gets this tension and pain, but it doesn’t burn. It tends to be worse with normal sipping amounts rather than chugging like a hamster. It can happen with beer but for whatever reason, soda never causes it for me. Probably something about the drink rate or usually having soda at room temp. Not trying to tell you how your body works, just offering up info no one I know knows about.
Yes it burns at the plexus and throat. I find it less so when I filter the (bottled) water in a brita filter (cartridged filters) but then it tastes funny. So I actually never drink water.
What is even weirder if I drink those water bottle with a slight hint of flavor, no reflux. Might be a mental problem?
I don’t experience what you have.
i won’t fight you about water but we can fight over something else if you’d like
How about whether or not the earliest-known literate civilizations in the ancient Near East were of each other’s existence?
I’d fight the shit out of you but I am afraid you are just too well hydrated and I stand no chance.
Something like this exist? Cool
No doubt?
Oh hey, it’s just a girl.
I kinda always knew she’d end up my ex girlfriend, and that shit was bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Don’t speak, I know just what you’re thinking. It didn’t happen. Well. You’re right. It didn’t.
God, I wish I could stop but I just can’t.
Um… uh… uh… Spiderwebs Hella Good Simple Kind of Life?
I’m bad at this. :(
apfelschorle should be at least an A-Tier as well - best drink besides water, especially when you want some variety at some point.