• Deceptichum
    935 months ago

    If they hand you a gun and tell you to march off to die in a foreign land, turn the gun around on your killer.

    • @takeda@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      LOL, the support of Ukraine is happening exactly so we don’t get WW3 and won’t have to send our soldiers to fight.

      Anyone who thinks Ukraine is Russia’s ultimate goal is extremely naive.

      It wasn’t Crimea, it wasn’t Georgia, it wasn’t Chechnya. It won’t stop until

      Here’s a quick summary of what it is about: https://youtu.be/M6tsp4mFix8

      This is a book published in 1997 which Putin was following and largely until full invasion of Ukraine everything was going smoothly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics

      • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
        145 months ago

        Ffs. Russia is not going to fight NATO. Why’d they attack Georgia in 2008? Answer: To prevent them from joining NATO. Why’d they attack Ukraine? Answer: to prevent them from joining NATO. Russia is not dumb enough to fight anything that can throw nukes, that’s why they’re preventing the NATO umbrella from covering (what they consider to be) their sphere of influence.

        • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
          235 months ago

          Question: If Russia has no intention of fighting NATO then why would they give a fuck if Georgia joined NATO? If they were afraid of NATO invasion, as silly as that is, could they not just offer Georgia a similar mutual defense agreement? I cannot imagine any circumstance other than overt greed and expansionism that would require them to invade Georgia.

          • @takeda@lemmy.world
            275 months ago

            Yeah it is all bullshit. All the Eastern European countries that could, joined NATO in speedrun, because they knew Russia will claim them back as soon as it is capable to do so. Ukraine and Belarus decided to maintain good relationships, and look at how it paid back.

            Russia is a cancer and the countries that hate them the most are their closest neighbors, exactly because they know what kind of cunt the Mother Russia is.

          • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
            55 months ago

            Because that would remove Georgia from Russia’s sphere of influence. They could no longer de facto dominate Georgia and Georgia would already be armed if a conflict with NATO started.

            They do offer their own pact, called the CSTO, Collective Security Treaty Organization.

            I think that’s why they invaded Georgia, overt greed. To be fair that also plays a role in NATO expansion. NATO won’t accept a country that can’t pull its own weight unless it has some kind of strategic value or economic value. It must be worth defending.

              • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
                15 months ago

                I never said they did. However they do insist that everyone participate in their “rules based trade system.” What happens to the countries that don’t want to participate or would rather have another trade system? What about countries that don’t want dollar dominance? It doesn’t go well.

                • Crass Spektakel
                  35 months ago

                  If you don’t follow the rules of trading then don’t be surprised if no one wants to trade with you. It is not our job to support you playing queen bee.

                  And if you want to do your deals with some Banana Republic Monopoly Money, feel free to do so but be aware you have to pay higher prices as risk compensation if you want to trade with me.

                  People don’t trade With Dollar and Euro because they MUST but because it is the most economical method. Stop believing the Propaganda of Left, Right and Islamo Extremists.

          • @hark@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Do you think if eastern nations made a “defensive alliance” and included Mexico that the US would be fine with it?

        • @takeda@lemmy.world
          155 months ago

          They didn’t plan to join NATO. Ukraine had a single digit percentage interest in NATO before crimea.

          Russia doesn’t want Eastern European countries in NATO, because it makes it much harder to take them over.

          NATO is a defensive alliance, and is no danger to Russia except for their imperialist goals. Best example of it is after Finland joined NATO Russia removed their troops from that border. That’s right Russia now has less troops there than they had when they were imaging Ukraine.

          And one last thing: even if it was true, since when Russia can decide for sovereign nation who they form alliances with? The excuse to invade looks exactly as the same bullshit Nazi Germany invented with Poland (both claiming to save German minorities and also that was actually planning to invade Germany). They are not even original.

          • @neidu2@feddit.nl
            5 months ago

            As much as I agree with your overall arguement, I just want to point out that the main reason why russia now has fewer troops along the finnish and norwegian border is because they needed to reinforce the donbass leather factory. If they had the resources, the manpower on the border would probably remain the same.

          • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
            15 months ago

            They didn’t plan to join NATO. Ukraine had a single digit percentage interest in NATO before crimea.

            Moves were being made to join NATO back in 2008, but progress was shelved when pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was elected. He was driven out of the country, Russia took Crimea, and then NATO seemed like a particularly good idea.

            Russia doesn’t want Eastern European countries in NATO, because it makes it much harder to take them over.

            I would also add that it takes them out of the Russian sphere of influence, which is Russia’s main concern. Why take over a country if they cooperate with you?

            NATO is a defensive alliance, and is no danger to Russia except for their imperialist goals. Best example of it is after Finland joined NATO Russia removed their troops from that border. That’s right Russia now has less troops there than they had when they were imaging Ukraine.

            Well, yes it’s defensive. No NATO country will attack Russia. However, I’d argue that Russia sees it as more than defensive. Each country that joins the alliance is one less country that Russia can dominate de facto. It’s militarily defensive, but that comes after an economic amd political offensive that removes the country from Russia’s influence. Now you might think, well, those countries entered that agreement voluntarily, and I’d say you’re correct, but Russia doesn’t care how it happened. They were taken from Russia as far as Russia is concerned.

            I’d also argue that the troop removal from thr Finnish border may have more to do with needing troops in Ukraine than it would defending St Petersburg from Finland.

            And one last thing: even if it was true, since when Russia can decide for sovereign nation who they form alliances with? The excuse to invade looks exactly as the same bullshit Nazi Germany invented with Poland (both claiming to save German minorities and also that was actually planning to invade Germany). They are not even original.

            Well they did decide in 2008 in Georgia and they just did in Ukraine. Yes, their justification was mostly BS for domestic consumption, but that doesn’t really matter in the end. Other imperialist countries do this, like the US, China, France, etc, but they’re more subtle and you’re in the West’s media bubble, making it really hard to get an impartial source.

        • @ElegantBiscuit@lemm.ee
          145 months ago

          Their plan isn’t to fight NATO directly. It’s to instigate domestic political support in foreign countries against entities like NATO and the EU, and push nationalism and isolationism and defeatism into enough people’s heads so that the bigger countries think it isn’t worth fighting Russia to defend another smaller country that is not their own. It’s about killing the idea of article 5 and thus NATO’s reason to exist, so that Russia can confront each country on a bilateral basis where they have the military advantage if no one is coming to their defense.

          This probably wont happen with an assault on a major urban area, but little chunks of unpopulated Finland or Norway. How willing would the American public be to send pilots to die for Lapland? If the major powers blink and don’t feel like committing, Russia continues to escalate, like they’ve been doing for the past 15 years

          • @xX_fnord_Xx@lemmy.world
            35 months ago

            To be fair, Lapland contains Santa Clauses’ workshop.

            Imagine the support the West would give to save Christmas.


          • Crass Spektakel
            -15 months ago

            I see you watch Anders Puck Nielsen on Youtube. Ryan McBeth is also interesting.

          • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
            -15 months ago

            That sounds like an extremely long-term plan, plus every action Russia would take in pursuit of this goal would be wildly counterproductive to the long-term, so I kind of doubt its true. For example, NATO just expanded in reaction to the Ukraine invasion.

        • @dreugeworst@lemmy.ml
          55 months ago

          If so, those were magnificent own goals. Ukraine wasn’t going to join nato until the little green men showed up, and Sweden and Finland didn’t want to join nato until the full scale invasion. Nato was languishing before all this happened, now they’re re-arming.

          • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
            35 months ago

            You’re mostly right, but in the interest of accuracy: Ukraine was making moves to join NATO way back in 2008, (possibly because of Russia’s invasion of Georgia) but plans were put on hold when pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych was president. Once a coup kicked him out of office and Russia seized Crimea, NATO membership became a high priority.

        • @Zoboomafoo@slrpnk.net
          15 months ago

          Russia is not dumb enough

          I hope you’re right, they’ve been huffing the “NATO will be easy to defeat” propaganda for as long as NATO has existed

          • @Dogyote@slrpnk.net
            15 months ago

            Unfortunately it’s much easier and faster for Russia to start a war than it is to join NATO. A country can’t join NATO if they’re at war or have border disputes.

        • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          And in the process, more of their neighbors have now joined NATO or are supporting NATO with newfound effort.

          If Russia is dumb enough to do that, they’re dumb enough to fight NATO.

      • @PilferJynx@lemmy.world
        75 months ago

        I think at first it was the only goal, at least, for some years. They now have established war production that they aren’t just going to stop. The Russians have been sharpening their teeth in Ukraine. If Trump somehow wins the election NATO countries will be on the menu.

        • @takeda@lemmy.world
          45 months ago

          Seeing downvotes to obvious statements shows how this platform is being dominated by Russian trolls.

          Even this post, you think about it, looks like part of a disinformation campaign, trying to imply that Russian aggression on Ukraine is somehow the West’s fault. Like if they drove their tanks there to just say hello, and Ukraine only waited for it to trap them inside.

        • @takeda@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          Where do you think the “WW3” in this meme came from?

          The only thing you hear about WW3 is from Russian propaganda. Because I guess we will have Russia, Iran and North Korea vs rest of the world war.

    • @Godnroc@lemmy.world
      135 months ago

      That’s when they implement meat grinder tactics. You get trained, but no weapons. The weapons are deployed ahead of you on the front line; better get one quick before you die! Turn around and your own side shoots you first. People go in, meat comes out, and so the handle turns.

    • @DeathsEmbrace@lemmy.ml
      195 months ago

      Fortunate Son. Their is a song about this but let me teach you a lesson about poverty entrapment. Because it’s easy to take advantage of everybody if you artificially take away the most important parts of people’s lives. Capitalism is designed to make you suffer and the military takes advantage of it to send the least fortunate to the front lines in hopes of a monetary reward because capitalism is designed to keep you under unless you are 1%. Now I have an entire population desperate for money and I need lives on the front line you get the shitshow that is capitalism with the military? Eat the rich. Those piggies are fattest and juiciest.

  • @Unpigged@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    365 months ago

    This sentiment of ‘I’m not going to fight’ is funny until the war actually starts. And then it’s either you fight early, or you fight late. Sometimes too late.

    • credit crazy
      5 months ago

      Wasn’t that amaricas strategy in the past 2 world wars. Like we basically just waited for everyone to wear echother down.

    • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      100% agree. The only thing that makes me feel better about a lot of the dumb tankie shit people say here is that they’re all under the age of 20.

      I said dumb shit when I was young too. But I grew out of it. I’m hoping these kids do too.

      • @dangblingus@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        15 months ago

        Nah. I’m in my 30s. Fuck dying face down in the mud in a foreign country while protecting ruling class control over others. It’s not a sign of maturity to claim fealty to a system that doesnt care if you live or die, so long as you make your landlord and boss richer.

        • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
          05 months ago

          lol… okay. No worries. When the time comes… others will do that for you so you can sit on your ass and complain about how bad everything is while doing nothing to change it.

          Don’t bother responding. Blocked you like I have everyone else with shit attitudes similar to yours.

    • Pika
      5 months ago

      that’s the main issue though, at least in the US, many citizens feel it would be better to have a complete clear of the entire country so they likely just wouldn’t fight if invaded, the amount of anarchists and just anti-government folk have been gradually rising ever since the pandemic. It doesn’t seem like health wise the country is doing well regardless of the economy status. It is super demoralizing seeing all the news platforms only focus on external wars or how the south is arguing over if it’s legal to jail someone over abortion that happend outside of state line, meanwhile a good portion of folk despite having one of the lowest unemployment rates in years is still living barely paycheck by paycheck. Most feel there’s just nothing they can do.

    • Ann Archy
      05 months ago

      I figured I’d just fuck off out of here before shit goes down. In fact I have no idea why I’m even living in this shithole instead of a paradise island. It costs about 1/10th as much, is tropical, beautiful, and so poor nobody would ever think of invading it. I don’t know about you but I can make that work.

      • @Unpigged@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        05 months ago

        Something tells me you’re from the USA. There are other Western governments, and other places that are arguably better (as in, more comfortable/safe) to live in. Many people have dependents, or things to loose that they value over one’s life.

        So yeah, it may be an option for you but that beautiful tropical island won’t fit millions upon millions of people living in the collective West.

        • Ann Archy
          5 months ago

          I try not to go too public with where I’m from online, and use multiple accounts and contradict myself just to fuzzle the algorithms.

          But I am actually from an (allegedly) very stable and very democratic nation. Allegedly.

          Things change, sometimes rapidly, but I’ve seen the writing on the wall for at least two decades now, and honestly I feel like I’m running out of time.

          Actually committed now and moving in a few months, permanently. There is nothing left here, and the future is bleak.

          (and apropos, I am most certainly not moving to any Western country, or any particularly developed one in the slightest. I think the West is about to find itself in an absolute shitstorm, and soon, and I am NOT getting caught in that crossfire)

  • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    355 months ago

    Before World War I and World War II, many thought things would not escalate until we realised it was far too late. The British intelligence thought the assassination of Franz Ferdinand would only be contained regionally instead of escalating to a world war.

    Most wars are class wars and most issues are class issues. But most people are not class conscious. The base tribalism is instead drummed up to distract us from the real root cause. We’re seeing the rise of the far right in many countries such as in Europe, US and India. Most of the rise of the right is due to influx of migrants, who are displaced by neocolonial foreign policies of corporate backed governments and capitalism-induced global warming.

    • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      But most people are not class conscious.

      I think you’d be surprised. Just most of us realize that socialists are ineffective at accomplishing anything. Simultaneously both naive and arrogant and too obnoxious to be able to create a movement most people would want to be a part of.

      Simple truth of it is, in the long run we’re all dead anyway. Better to improve the system we have then wait around for socialists doing endless naval gazing dialectics over which ideological framework a stance on an issue would be in before then deciding whether they’re for it or against it.

      We’ll all grow old and die before socialists do anything other than complain about how stupid the workers are for not appreciating in their genius.

      Keynes > Marx

      Biden > [Do socialists even have their shit together enough to even have a leader?]

      • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
        255 months ago

        You don’t have to be democratic socialist to be class conscious. You just have to be aware that much of inequality and injustices arises from growing wealth disparity.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            The problem with Bernie is he thinks democratic socialism is Scandinavian style democracy where free market still exists but heavily regulated. Most Americans confuse between social democracy and democratic socialism. And that turns off Americans with supporting more expansive welfare programs and regulations, aside from decades of broad anti-socialist propaganda.

  • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
    315 months ago

    I mean it definitely depends on the circumstances. If Russia attacks here then I’m absolutely fighting.

    • @nexguy@lemmy.world
      45 months ago

      Who would you fight? The missile coming at you? I don’t think we would need many soldiers in a fight vs Russia.

      • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
        75 months ago

        If Russia attacks here then I imagine it would be somewhat like in Ukraine where manpower definitely helps.

        • @nexguy@lemmy.world
          65 months ago

          They can’t attack here like in Ukraine as there is no land to move across. They would have to use their sad navy to try to land troops crossing many miles of ocean out in the open. Not possible.

    • db0
      -245 months ago

      That’s how they do it, you know. Build up the enemy as this absolutely big bad that you feel you have to.

      • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Russia attacks my country

        “You know, that’s how they do it, they make Russia feel like the big bad enemy you have to fight against”

        Lmao WHAT?!? If they’re literally attacking my country then of course I’m fighting to defend it??

        • kronisk
          285 months ago

          An important detail to notice here is that a user calling themselves kusimulkku is likely to be writing this from Finland. Which may result in an important difference of perspective.

          • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
            155 months ago

            Finland is correct. Though I have no idea what sort of situation those other people assumed to warrant such a claim.

            • @Ross_audio@lemmy.world
              85 months ago

              There is the danger of manufacturing consent.


              Raising tensions then using an incident to light the touch paper.

              Russian’s at the border is one thing.

              But the most likely “attack” on the US is going to be much smaller.

              Note the Houthis attacking merchant ships. Under a US flag.

              There are 2 options

              1. retaliate.


              1. tell the ships to go round and use sanctions and other non violent diplomatic tools to resolve the situation.

              Option 1 is an escalation.

              Option 2 is not.

              The US military is is an odd position. I’d defend Ukraine from Russia. I’d defend Palestine from Israel. I’d defend Israel from Palestine.

              I wouldn’t support an aggressor.

              There is a moral obligation to support violence in that it must be a necessary defence.

              Joining the US military we’ve grown up seeing the US as an aggressor continuously. Supporting aggressors, not sanctioning them.

              Then with Ukraine there is reluctance to help a defender.

              A country that invaded nations at the drop of a hat 20 years ago has a recruitment problem. No surprises there.

              • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
                65 months ago

                If Russian troops are crossing the border then it’s Russians who have manufactured the consent for violent action to drive them the fuck away.

                • @Ross_audio@lemmy.world
                  35 months ago

                  I agree, but if that’s the way the US, or any other NATO country, gets attacked I’ll be surprised.

                  This is not the war that is proposed, it’s a series of proxy wars. Just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and the decades long conflict with Palestine.

                  Ask if you’ll defend yourself, you’ll say yes.

                  Ask if you’ll defend others, the answer is usually “it depends”.

                  Ask if you’ll go fight in a proxy war which protects largely corporate interests, you’ll say no.

                  Joining the American military is saying yes to all 3. That’s the recruitment issue going on there.

            • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              If Russia attacks the US, our government would try to use that as a recruitment tool, and would probably succeed.

              Meanwhile the majority of us would be cheering on the Alaskan citizens that are armed for wildlife that would stop a T-70 in its tracks, to say nothing of the poor Russian conscripts.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          25 months ago

          Russia attacks my country

          To quote the Greatest President of My Generatoin “We need to fight them over there so we won’t be fighting them over here.”

          That’s why I’m enlisting in the Ukrainian National Guard and I hope you’ll all join me.

          • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
            -15 months ago

            I’m fine with just sending money and materiel to support the Ukrainian efforts. I’m hoping to avoid fighting in a war.

          • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            I’m not sure if you misunderstood the discussion but this is what I wrote (bolded for emphasis)

            I mean it definitely depends on the circumstances. If Russia attacks here then I’m absolutely fighting.

            I’m saying that if that were to happen, then I’d fight in the WW3.

            • @hark@lemmy.world
              -125 months ago

              What if Australia invaded your country? Obviously the if is because you consider it a possibility.

              • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
                115 months ago

                What if Australia invaded your country?

                I would defend it.

                Obviously the if is because you consider it a possibility.

                Not how hypotheticals work but it obviously is a possibility.

                • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
                  -65 months ago

                  Ehhh… Not really. The one thing that the US has over every other nation currently is its deep water Navy. We could project power like that, and have done so for about 80 years now… China is the only nation that is even building a deep water Navy, but they have yet to attempt to project power past one of their neighbors.

                  Australia has literally zero chance to invade Finland no matter how much shit talking the Russians blame on Finland.

          • @pedalmore@lemmy.world
            75 months ago

            Found the Russia apologist. Obviously Russia was used as an example country because they are actively and illegally invading Ukraine right the fuck now, while threatening to invade the rest of eastern Europe.

            • @hark@lemmy.world
              05 months ago

              How am I an apologist for pointing out chicken little bullshit? Do you fantasize about Russia invading your country? Let’s be realistic here, Russia can’t even overtake Ukraine and you think they’re going to take over the world.

        • db0
          -135 months ago

          Look mate, all I’m saying is that Russia is saying the same things to their citizens. And Germans were saying the same things to theirs. And the Pope was saying the same things to the crusaders.

          Likewise, a country is just imaginary, made by the rich to separate who can exploit the people in a specific geography. By all means, fight for it, but just know you’re being played.

          • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
            235 months ago

            Russia literally attack my country, Russian soldiers are pouring over the border, I’m about to join to defend it

            “You know Pope told the same thing to crusaders, besides countries are imaginary, why do you care if you live in your own country or as part of Russia under Putin. You are just being played.”

            Lmao, you people can’t be serious, this is beyond fucking stupid

              • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
                175 months ago

                wants to defend my country from Russia literally attacking and trying to invade it

                “You do you mate”

                I’m in awe. This has been the best exchange I’ve had in quite some while. I’m almost too flabbergasted to laugh

                • db0
                  -145 months ago

                  I’m just glad you get so much excitement out of my 5 words reply.

          • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
            255 months ago

            It makes a huge difference if I live under democracy in Finland or under Putin in Russia. What the fuck are you smoking

        • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
          5 months ago

          And I even specified I was talking about a situation where Russia attacks my country. Fucking lmao, not sure what those other guys are smoking.

  • @Stanwich@lemmy.world
    305 months ago

    As long as they are recruiting the dumbest and poorest from your failing high-schools you’ll always have enough for your wars.

  • @skankhunt42@lemmy.ca
    285 months ago

    Millennial here. Can confirm, I’ll be staying home and doing my own thing. One live isn’t worth more then another and I’m not going to war. If you’re going to put me in jail because I refuse, then maybe I need to find a different country to live in.

    • Kusuriya
      165 months ago

      On the very off chance they restarted the draft, there are tons of reasons the Pentagon would fight conscription, make sure you know asylum procedures or have the stuff ready to immigrate. Run don’t try to just ignore the draft.

      They, the last time they did the draft, didn’t just throw normies into jail, they grabbed them then kicked them over to the military and then if you ran away and got brought back after being AWOL they just deployed you and let happen what happened, regulars frequently discovered that these sorts had… uhh… “accidents” at a more frequent rate.

    • @Avg@lemm.ee
      125 months ago

      Millennial here, I’m pushing 40, you wouldn’t want me even if I was willing to fight.

      • @funkless_eck@sh.itjust.works
        95 months ago

        Well in times of desperation they probably don’t care. If it’s real bad it’s not “can you hold a gun?” it’s “can you take a bullet?”

        Anyway, just do a Ted Nugent. Take as many drugs as you can and shit yourself.

    • volvoxvsmarla
      25 months ago

      then maybe I need to find a different country to live in

      I was born and raised in Germany and never changed my foreign citizenship, it was always on the bucket list. My husband immigrated in 2019, and since 2022 I am freaking out at the thought that we would change citizenship. Being a foreign citizen sucks sometimes, but in case of war it is extremely beneficial. Avoid drafting at home, avoid drafting where you live.

      So, moving in case of a war would be more than beneficial, you just got to do it early on, before they close borders. We had friends dropping everything and packing just their cat and passports the same night Russia attacked Ukraine.

      • @skankhunt42@lemmy.ca
        15 months ago

        All the other comments seem to be about the US. I’m not sure how Canada will be in time of war but I agree with you. Being a foreign citizen is worth it. If I’m to leave, id go to The Netherlands but I really do not want to leave Canada.

        The longer this shit goes on, the more I’m starting to worry. I hope it ends soon.

    • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
      5 months ago

      If you run against a war with Russia then the war will catch you eventually. Are you planning to live the rest of your days in an obscure South American nation?

      • Pons_Aelius
        135 months ago

        As opposed to to your life ending in a few short months on a battlefield?

        Sure. Why not.

        It doesn’t have to be Sth America. US men dodging the draft were given political asylum in Canada or Sweden during the Vietnam war and an estimated 60-100,000 fled the US.

        So it is actually:

        Decades in another modern western nation or weeks/months on a battle field?

        Easy choice.

        • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
          -35 months ago

          I asked it in question form because I was legitimately curious. Where do you plan to go while the world you leave behind devolves into an authoritarian hell? What other “modern western nation” would be left if Russia and/or China expands all the way across Europe as well as onto US Shores?

          You don’t have a second life to flee to if the west fails to defend itself.

            • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
              5 months ago

              I asked a legitimate question. I want to rationalize running away against a threat like that, I would never sell my soul to the military complex for anything other than necessity, but it absolutely doesn’t make sense other than for selfish shortsighted cowardice.

              • Herbal Gamer
                25 months ago

                Nah fuck ya’ll Ima sign up if we have an enemy worth fighting for the first time in my life.

                Yet you say things like this.

                • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
                  05 months ago

                  Yes, because as I explained, running away against a threat like that doesn’t make any sense. Did the sentence structure confuse you?

  • My kid doesn’t particularly want to fight, but she’s ok with guns and convinced anarchy will be good for the environment?! Idk, she’s not dumb, but these kids have less stake in the institutions than MAGA retirees…

  • @RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world
    165 months ago

    Uhm, doofus, nobody’s gonna fight in ww3.

    Bombs get launched and we ALL die, that’s how ww3 is faught.

    It’s frightening how little the younger generations understand about nuclear war.

    • @underisk@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      There have been plenty of wars fought in the age of nuclear weapons that, strangely enough, have not resulted in the use of nuclear weapons. There’s a few of them going on right now, in fact!

        • @underisk@lemmy.ml
          15 months ago

          Which nuclear powers do you foresee entering into direct conflict in a theoretical WW3 scenario based on current conditions?

          • @Urist@lemmy.ml
            5 months ago

            In context of being a hypothetical world war, I do believe the current major powers, some of which have nukes, need to be involved. By definition, the answer to your question would have to be someone on this list.

            • @underisk@lemmy.ml
              15 months ago

              I don’t see how the current geopolitical climate results in any of those coming into direct conflict rather than just continuing to wage thinly veiled proxy wars. The only WW3 scenario I can imagine right now looks more like an intensification of the current situation.

              • @Urist@lemmy.ml
                45 months ago

                I do not see any world wars happening anytime soon either, given a somewhat rational (read non-suicidal) leadership of key nations. The original comment you responded to said that none would survive a nuclear total war, to which you replied that there have been wars fought in the nuclear age. This is true, even to the point of proxy wars between nuclear powers. However, they are not world wars, for which I think the original comment’s argument holds true. In effect the idea is that a world war would almost by definition have some nuclear power on either side.

                • @underisk@lemmy.ml
                  -35 months ago

                  If a world war can only exist between nuclear powers then does the first one (and most of the second) not count?

      • @octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
        15 months ago

        Uhm, doofus, nobody’s gonna fight in ww3.

        There have been plenty of wars fought in the age of nuclear weapons that, strangely enough, have not resulted in the use of nuclear weapons.

        Which of those were WWIII?

    • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
      185 months ago

      Me looking at the handful of declassified missile defense sites and wondering what shit we have that isn’t known.

      Yeah… it’ll just be that simple Mr. Armchair General.

      • @tegs_terry@feddit.uk
        25 months ago

        NATO gets assailed and everybody responds, which is the whole point. That’s an unwanted fission excess immediately.

  • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    Nah fuck ya’ll Ima sign up if we have an enemy worth fighting for the first time in my life. I’ll push the lines to Moscow, Beijing, idgaf: dictatorships will destroy us all if left unchecked, make life not worth living for everyone. The whole time I’m deployed I’m going to be using absentee ballots, and if I make it back I’m gonna use my new cred to run for office and fight the corporations, too.

    • 🦄🦄🦄
      405 months ago

      If you are in the US, you might wanna prevent your own dictatorship first.

      • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
        85 months ago

        Definitely on the todo list, but honestly the options seem mutually exclusive given the friendliness between our wannabe dictator and his foreign dictator benefactor.

      • @weeeeum@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        Do what lol. Yeah everyone says we have guns to “stop tyranny” but the national guard would kick our ass.

    • @tegs_terry@feddit.uk
      35 months ago

      You think there’s a chance of boots-on-the-ground conflict with these people? No. Swords get crossed and everyone’s dust.

      • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
        5 months ago

        You think it makes sense for Russia to lose as much as it has in the Ukrainian conflict? That is the thing with authoritarian states, they’re more aggressive and make more costly mistakes. They already have nuclear weapons and they aren’t using them. If I were afraid of nuclear war then I would have lived all my life and all of its remainder in fear because there has always been some madman with a finger over the button, I’m not just going to give up and bend over for him.

    • @profdc9@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      Beijing and Moscow will defend themselves with nukes before they allow their capitals to be taken. America would do the same.

      • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
        -25 months ago

        LMAO defend with nukes

        If they get desperate enough to arm nuclear warheads then their country is already at the verge of collapse. There is no benefit to firing nukes even as a last resort, it does nothing to improve your situation.

    • @KISSmyOS@feddit.de
      -25 months ago

      I’ll tell the freezing homeless about how you’re heroically dying to defend their freedom and prosperity.