I like art styles that stand out. The faces in this image are so expressive! Grima looks really upset, presumably because Saruman just told them all that Grima had murdered and possibly eaten Lotho.

I’m not sure if that weird bowl haircut guy is supposed to be Frodo or not.

This image is apparently by Denis Gordeev, a Russian artist born in 1964. I got the impression he was famous, but he doesn’t have a wikipedia page, so I’m not sure.

  • Gandalf@hobbit.worldOPM
    2 years ago

    Here’s another picture which I believe is from the same author. This appears to be Frodo and Sam, so that means the bowl cut guy in the above picture is Frodo and Sam is the angry guy right above Grima. The two armored hobbits must be Merry and Pippin.