When we set out to look at far-right extremism in Upstate New York, we had a few basic questions. First, we wanted to know the status of the far-right movement here. What do people believe in? What groups and militias have been active? We found that all...
The last time it got close to this bad, it ended up in the Oklahoma City Bombing.
What’s going to happen this time?
It’s not something that’s always in the forefront of my thoughts, but I’ve been expecting something like that since qanon took off
Before the OKC there was Ruby Ridge Massacre and Branch Davidian Cult Massacre which one could say led directly to the retaliation against the FBI.
Until the javkboots bomb a whole city block like the MoVE bombing in Philly 1985, I’ll say things are pretty tame comparatively.
God damn, imagine if a bunch of black people did what the Proud Boys say and do. The police would probably bust out another improvised airstrike.
Or implement gun control to help imprison group leaders and breakup black “radical” groups.
Cough Ronald Reagan cough
I get what you’re saying and I wonder also. But at the same time, the terrorism has been happening; look at all the racially motivated attacks we’ve seen since 2016.
I expect more. But to your point i wouldn’t be surprised to see another major act of domestic terrorism on par with the Oklahoma City Bombing.
I feel like things are way, way worse than they were back then. Way worse than it’s been since the civil rights era.
Oh I know it’s been happening. But it’s been (relatively) small scale by far. Something big is coming though, I would bet on it.
…like storming the fucking capital building?
Almost no one died.
In the Oklahoma City bombing, 168 people died and 680 were injured in the blast. There was a daycare center there, so 19 of those 168 dead were babies or small children.
So yeah, in terms of politics, January 6th was worse. In terms of deaths, Oklahoma City was far worse. That’s what I’m talking about happening again eventually, and probably not too far in the future.
I certainly won’t bet against you on that, as much as I might hope you’ll be proven wrong. Shit is going to get wild depending on how the presidential election turns out.
They will dangerously convene and wait for JFK, Jr. in Dallas again.
Which one?
To be clear I know which one you were referring to. But isn’t it kinda fucked up that there’s been enough that you might even have to stop to ask that for a second.