Ted Cruz has been slammed for joking that Texans should “join me in Cancun” as the state braces for a deep freeze.
“Texans, with the freeze coming, wrap your pipes, cover your plants, stay off icy roads & keep your family safe. And, if it gets too damn cold, join me in Cancun!” he wrote on X.
It’s funny because people are going to die and he’s making fun of them before they do.
They will vote for him on the way to the graveyard
If you’re sick as a dog, you say: ‘God I gotta make it.’ Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.
Donald Trump, ordering his cultists to sacrifice themselves for his primary race, just yesterday
ordering his cultists to sacrifice themselves
And take down a few others in the process!
I guess it worked
And as they die they will blame Obama for the loss of power.
Thanks, Obama.
Gotta drink dat flavor-aid
Comedy is all about timing after all.
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And they keep voting this asshole back into office. Texas, go figure.
Look, sure, Ted Cruz might be a miserable, pathetic, cowardly, repulsive excuse for a human being who licks boots at every opportunity and is more than willing to sell out his constituents and his country for the smallest of kickbacks. But have you considered - Democrats think LGBT folk are human beings???
Clearly, Texas has no choice but to vote for Ted Cruz.
I mean, he may hate his constituents, is despised by his colleagues, and actively makes both his home state and the entire country worse… but he has the ‘R’ next to his name, what do you expect boomers to do!?
That is precisely the logic my family presented to me in 2016.
but he has the ‘R’ next to his name, what do you expect boomers to do!?
Saying it’s boomers is reductive and actually inaccurate (and thus insulting to half or more of the boomers)
White, protestant, with less education? Now you’re talking big-R, baby!
You jest, but I know people who think like this currently living in Texas.
May they all freeze to death.
I hear there might be Hamas tunnels under those neighborhoods
Can confirm, I live in one.
they like big things in Texas. doesn’t really matter what it is, just that it’s big.
And this guy is pretty much the biggest asshole they’ve got.
“I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.”
- Al Franken
I’m voting for Collin Allred, I’m just one vote though.
i’m joining you…so that’s 2 of us…oh and my husband…3! 3! people who don’t want that POS in the Senate.
My husband and I are votes 4 and 5 for Allred too!
Fuck Fled Cruz!
lol over 200 people died when I went to Cancun lol get it guys? Get the joke???
What an ass.
Classic Republican humor!
You mean while he fled his constituents during a state of emergency?
No more sugar coating shit.
The Democrats do this shit too in their own way, at their own peril. At all of our peril.
If Ted Cruz sees his shadow in Cancun there will 6 be weeks without power in Texas.
This is a top tier comment. Thank you.
Get DeBlasio down there to drop his ass
People died.
It’s Ted Cruz, are we expecting tact or class?
to be fair, getting ted cruz out of the country is bipartisan
I refuse to give any clicks to any headlines that use the word slammed or any derivative or synonym thereof
Unless it’s a wrestling news website
Or if it’s followed by welcoming you to the jam
Or an article about doors.
Maybe wrestling news sites should steal political news sites headlines.
“Wrestler A CRITICISED for using unsportsmanlike move on Wrestler B”
Never click anything from The Independent. They’re clickbait shit.
You don’t like your headlines reading like a bop-it toy?
SH**T TED CRUZ! (in the face)
Why is that?
Have you personally slammed someone?
Have you met anyone who has?
What did it look like?
That’s between me and my only fans.
I have actually met a couple pro wrestlers
Pretty fricken gnarly dude
It happened once in nineteen ninety eight.
I think I remember that. Wasn’t there a table involved?
It was definitely an event for all Mankind.
You know what “slammed” metaphorically means, here.
But it carries no weight when everyone’s “slamming” everything in every headline. Maybe be less clickbait and more informative.
I look forward to the day someone uses this headline and I open the article to see somebody actually get chokeslammed
That’s a fair take. I don’t really agree, as to me, it is just a popular idiom meaning that people reacted negatively to something and either criticized it or mocked it harshly - I don’t think it has to carry a lot of weight - but I do think it’s perfectly valid that you think it does. That’s not, however, what I get from the comment I was responding to, at all.
Greg Gianfirte has. Can we use that in headlines when we talk about him? It’s accurate in that case.
Come on and JAM!
Really got’em!
Who keeps voting for this professional gimp? Do you guys get off on making your own lives worse? Has he done anything to help you or people you know? It’s not a sports team, you don’t have to be loyal, it’s just a bad politician.
TX is flush with brain dead chumps.
They get off on making others’ lives worse, even when it brings theirs down. Remember Cruz was part of the Tea Party, the super crazies that threw the republican party even further right and helped pave the way for Maga.
Read the room, asshole.
Enjoy taxpayer-funded trips to Cancun while you can, because you’re on the ticket in November, and you won’t have the benefit of being in an off-year election or Conservative Californians this time.
Unfortunately he’ll still win. Remember Uvalde voted for Abbot after the school shooting. After it exposed the absolute incompetence of their leadership they said “yep that’s who we want”. Cruz is sadly safely in his seat.
He’s not. His polling numbers in the off-years coupled with the guaranteed higher voter turnout and Millennials and Gen Z showing up to vote should worry him.
I’d be very very happily surprised - I hope you’re right!
I get your original sentiment, though, and I agree that it’s not a guarantee that he’ll lose. But it’s going to be an uphill battle for him, because even if he doesn’t lose to a Democrat, he might lose to a less-worse Republican.
Bold of you to assume taxpayers fund the majority of his income. Ted Cruz is an extremely corrupt politician.
How silly of me.
Keep in mind that this is the same state that overwhelmingly voted for Abbot AFTER hundreds died in the cold snap and he went on fox news and blamed the green new deal for texas’ power failures…even though it was due to natural gas lines freezing up and renewables overperformed.
Texas still voted that idiot back in.
This Texas: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_Prayer_for_Rain_in_the_State_of_Texas
Yes, and also, Ted Cruz isn’t Abbott. Abbott ran against Beto, who made that gaffe about taking people’s guns away. Additionally, the turnout for the gubernatorial election was abysmal. Something like 24-30%, iirc.
Since Nov 2024 is the presidential election, which typically sees at least 60% turnout, and Trump and Republicans have been leaning hard into Fascism and these culture war issues, I expect Ted to have to actually fight for his seat.
I’m not saying he’ll definitely lose, but I don’t think this is going to be a cakewalk for him.
“i like ted cruz more than most of my other colleagues like ted cruz. and i hate ted cruz.” - al franken
He has a savage wit.
And now his dumbest shit will be his legacy. Never forget he stepped down while these treasonists stick to their playbook.
He wrote a comic called “Supply side Jesus” it’s pretty funny.
Wait. Texas hasn’t lynched his ass yet? Damn. I just assumed those cowboys’d getterdun already. Hunh. Must be more talk than walk, I guess.
Texas deserves what it voted for at this point
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I mean, I’m a Blue voter here who will leave the moment my work contract is up.
At this point, I’ve also thrown up my hands and been like “Fuck it. Those of us who tried, tried. Texas deserves what it gets.”
I’ll keep voting Blue until I bounce somewhere else, but idk how else you want us to feel. It’s like screaming into a void here. Abbott had already pushed the 6 week “heartbeat bill”, before he got re elected in 2022. That didn’t scare Texans then.
It feels like people want oppression here.
So what should we do? Storm Texas and remove their elected official cause they’re not good for the people who didn’t vote for him?
Flapping mouths and getting “slammed” is never news. Yeah he sucks we get it.
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he was SLAMMED, SLAMMED I tell you!
$1,000 dollars to anyone who has video evidence of him getting it on with a rent-a-boy. Completely serious. I will give a grand to anyone who can out him to his conservative family values base. Send me the video and how to pay you. Spend the money however you like.
I’ll chip in a few bucks. Let’s get this going.
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I can’t afford 30k. I can afford 1k. And yes I am serious. This guy has been shit and shitting on the innocent his whole life and I want to take home down.
1000 bucks from me. Spend it on blow, spend it on hookers, spend it philosophy textbooks, whatever. Get me that footage and the money is yours.
His supporters will call it a deep fake and ignore it. Outside of your electoral system or a bullet, these people are untouchable.
Here, take my lube and this bag of meth
Whoa big spender
I’ll pitch in $12-15.
There are so many unserious people in power right now it is crazy.