The ancient ebola viruses locked in ice for thousands of years as some rich asshole takes a sip:
I think this is a plot point from the game Talos Principle. Melting arctic ice releases a virus that wipes out humanity leaving only machines to become intelligent and carry on civilization.
Edit: The game is 10 years old people and this is barely a spoiler.
It’s the plot point, but also spoilers, kind of? Part of the game is discovering what happened.
Yeah this seems like major spoilers. Been playing on and off for a while and I still hadn’t got to this plot point
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If this were a plot point in a novel I would think it too on the nose and unrealistic. This is the fucking world we live in
Countries with non-renewable resources being scalped by profiteers …who runs out first?!? Stay tuned …
The Great Lakes used to be a source of ice for peoples ice boxes. There were railroads built to move it to cities. In my town there was a huge building full of ice and sawdust that would keep it frozen into the summer.
There hasn’t been so much as a skim of ice on the shore this year.
Less than half a percent of ice coverage on new years day this year, while in the 1980s it would be over 10%. We’re so fucked lol.
We don’t even have snow, let alone ice!
We got 15” here in northern MA the other day. We’re expecting a few inches of rain tomorrow and temperatures in the 50’s so I’m expecting to see lots of flooding…
I’m expecting temperatures to drop afterwards and everything to turn to ice.
Sweet Tea is a southern delicacy because it was the ultimate rich plantation owner flex. Ships in the winter used to grab icebergs and drag them down to harbors which were then cut up and taken to be stored at the plantations in saw dust. Then they’d need tea from India or China, and sugar cane from the Caribbean. It was literally a global drink. Something only the richest of people would be able to obtain all the resources for to have their house slaves whip up for a visitor on a hot summer afternoon.
Limited Time Only
Oh no, the world is now seriously doing what was a funny satirical subplot in the movie Brewster’s Millions.
Movies are not meant as instructions people, cmon!
The ‘Torment Nexus’ meme is evergreen
This sounds like something out of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Something you’d read just before the Earth gets blown up.
Sure. Why the fuck not. There’s more money in killing the planet than saving it, and humanity has decided that short term profits are more important than investing in our future, so might as well go full throttle.
We weren’t depleting it fast enough, let’s get capitalism to help (some more)!
Not the Onion? Not the onion.
Well it’s all going to melt soon anyway. Might as well cash out
What could go wrong?
This is available across the US
It’s Icelandic glacier melt.
‘It’s environmentally friendly because we haven’t used any energy to freeze it’
You go girl, milk those stupid rich people for all you can. I sure hope they are just pretending to transport ice and are actually selling them frozen tap water. Getting rich people to pay lots of money for stupid shit is basically wealth redistribution.